Big PathPlanner 2024 Issues

I am from team 6147 and I am running into some very annoying issues with PathPlanner 2024. As some background, I am running the latest version of PathPlanner and the most recent WPILib. I am getting the following error:

It is very confusing because I am using the documentation which was updated by the PathPlanner folks on January 9th (Home | PathPlanner Docs)

This is my AutoBuilder configuration in my SwerveSubsystem.jaba:


and here is my getAutonomousCommand:


Attached are my,, and, as well as my just in case you want to see if my constants could somehow be the problem.

Thank you so much for any help that I can get!

Rohan (6.7 KB) (3.5 KB) (5.6 KB) (9.3 KB)

We had a similar issue, turned out to be that we named our “autos” class with a capital A instead of a lowercase one. I don’t know if it’s the issue you’re having but it’s worth checking that particular naming scheme. I’m not the most technical of people, but it might point you in the right direction.

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Thanks for the swift response!
But we are using paths, not autos… So you said you were getting the same issue; does that mean that I may have mistyped something in your opinion?

There is also the fact that there is a IncompatibleClassChangeError… any thoughts?

This looks like you are not using WPILib 2024, but you are using PathPlanner 2024. Have you upgraded WPILib on your computer, and updated your roboRIO image?

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Thanks for the response!
So yeah, I’m running WPILib 2024 and PathPlanner 2024… but not the 2024 RoboRIO image - I’ll try that now!


If that doesn’t solve it, please share all of your code, preferably in a GitHub repo. If you share all of your code, I’ll pull it down and try to run it.

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