Big Project In Progress for FIRST: Need Programmers Who Want to Help

So I am working with rajv23 and 3 other people from my team on an open source project for FIRST. We are both experienced PhP programmers. Let’s just say the project will be HUGE and the best thing to come to first in a while. However, before we start working, we need to start gathering a team that can help us. The project is a website, and more will be explained once we have a group of people that are willing to help.

We will be needing people to aid us who want to help program part of the site, and alpha and beta test this site once it is up. Anyone who would like to help please PM me, as we will be taking applications.

Anyone who wants to assist on this project must have experience in HTML at least, but preferably also another language such as PHP, Javascript, or even Flash. We are also open to suggestions.

Your application must include the following: Name, Team Number, Programming Languages Known and Years of Experience, Why you want to help, and How you could help us. We look forward to gathering a group of people willing to help us in this project. Thanks!!

Ben H

You might want to give a bit more details as to what the project actually is. People generally like to know what they are getting in to or what would be required of them. All you’ve really said so far is it will be large and the best thing to come to FIRST in a while. Both of those statements are intriguing but not going to draw genuine interest.

Having been involved in a lot of team projects and open source in the past I’ve found it best to write a specific mission statement of a project detailing what it will and will not be. That will give you a foundation to build a team project on.

The project is named Firstify. We do have the domain already. What the project is, in essence, is a social network, catered to FIRST. But it won’t just be facebook with a FIRST flair. It will include lots of tools that make it extremely useful to FIRST members. This will be an all-in-one website that can be used to connect to other FIRST members, communicate with your own team members online more effectively, and allow you to collaborate on things like Scouting much more easily, as this site will have scouting built into it. We are looking forward to making this project amazing, we just need a strong base of people willing to help our team of 5.

Ben H

I can maintain DNS and Apache, or PHP code, or Administrate, or Python, or MySQL, or anything web. (or SVN integration with Apache) or any C/++ you’ll need… I’m familiar with CodeIgniter or Django web frameworks (PHP, Python respectively)

I’m also proficient at HTML markup but I’m only mild at CSS and the whole design process.

Name: Keehun Nam
Team Number: 2502

My “portfolio” websites aren’t quite online but I’m quite proud of what I’m working on right now:

Excuse its slowness… it’s a basement computer

Anyone else at all interested? We really would look forward to having people working with us.

I’m interested, add me to MSN. [email protected]