Billfred Analyzes 2024 FIRST Choice Round 2

I got asked by FIRST South Carolina to do a guide to items available in FIRST Choice. So I did a break down on every single item, grading it from “Really Good Stuff” to “It’s a trap!”

I figure the wisdom applies to most parts of the planet, so why not post here too? Hope it helps you make your list.


Interested why you say the battery charger is “cheap junk”. Obviously it’s not as fancy as the smart chargers, but it gets the job done. Has a built-in fuse for over-current protection and an LED that tells you when the battery is done charging. And at 20 credits a piece, they couldn’t get any cheaper if we dumpster dove for them.

We’ve used a number of them over the years and have never had major problems with them. When they inevitably break after a year or two, no one is tearing up over 20 credits. Seems like a good way especially for low-budget teams to be able to charge a few more batteries in parallel.

I think you laid the case out admirably in your post.

The PowerStream charger is under $50 and built to last. Heck, even a Harbor Freight charger with some smarts can be had for $27 without a sale or coupon (or with more juice for $40 but at that point just buy the PowerStream?).

(I recognize this insight is US-centric, but my point remains.)


I personally just don’t like that an FRC battery charger is sent out with Alligator Clamps. Your battery is not supposed to be charged this way and for good reason. Alligator Clamps can slip off, they can short together when touched accidently by a careless student, the list goes on.

Your batteries should have the SB connectors so the charger should as well. You might get this charger cheap but now you also need to redo the charging cable. ($16 or so) so really this would be more like 35 credits (if 1 credit is $1).

Not useless, but is extra hassle. Agreed still cheaper than the alternative probably.


I’ve used this particular battery charger once, and when it was powered for the very first time, it let out magic smoke. I would immediately throw it in the trash if I saw it again.


This was a fun read, I’d completely overlooked some of the items you talked about.

You’re not correct about the Molex tool kit, though. This is their genuine tool, one that teams would normally not even consider purchasing due to its high dollar cost, but which will make using Molex connectors much easier and more reliable. I had it at the very top of our list until I was able to get one directly from Molex, and have now taken it off our list so that other teams can access this great opportunity.


I’m confident in what I wrote originally, though I did add emphasis that the tool is included and it’s not a cheap tool.

That said, I stand by my position that most teams (certainly not all!) would be better served by sourcing premade cables.


With 24 hours to go until Round 2 closes, I made a couple more edits to flesh things out. Get those lists in and cross your fingers!

Man I love FIRST Choice!
We didn’t submit a priority list for Round 1 so this is using all of our points. We got a total of 300 points worth of stuff…

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Looks about the same as my list! Just absolutely awful FC this year for us.

We ended up with the Molex kit and a Pneumatics hub. We have had all CTRE control components so far so this will be our first REV part. Kind of excited, but really wanted some more notes or a single kraken

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This is not surprising. The quantities in FC were low this year. If you took all the “good” items teams would want first round like the Molex Kit, Krakens, Rio, Notes, Pneumatics Hub… there wasn’t enough stock to give everyone a good item in the first round. Inventory would already be gone.

Still waiting for our results.


We similarly got hosed. Also five of the random-length patch cables, and six CIM motors for a non-competition project.

The FC gods giveth, and the FC gods taketh away.

(I’ll do a strikeout version of the document once AndyMark reopens the site.)


Are y’all getting these in your email? I have yet to see ours


My email finally came. Only got the 1.625" flex wheels :slight_smile:

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I’m surprised, we loaded over 4k credits worth of parts to the priority list just in case and the algorithm went through almost all of it.

I got mine in my email. It’s whoever email was on the order and got the same email for the shipping hold authorization

Yeah. I’m going to reiterate what’s been said earlier in other threads. I’m trying very very hard not to be upset by this. But if I knew what I was going to get from FIRST choice, I would NOT have ordered and I would have saved myself the shipping.

This isn’t by any means an indictment of Andy Mark, who administrates FIRST Choice. It’s like Black Friday. Get an 85 inch flat screen for the low cost of $5*!

*One TV available per country.


Woo man we got a haul from FC round 2,

10 1/2 Hex Gold Shaft Collars.


Styling! Going for a steam punk theme? Use brass/copper pipes for spacers

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