For those of you with Blackberries, I was playing around with one of the newer versions of Blackberry Messenger, and realized that it allows you to create “groups” that set up a shared chat, photo gallery, etc., and thought it might be a good way to quickly share info on the day of kickoff. If you have BBM 5, you should have a “Scan Group Barcode” option. Open the attached barcode image and capture it using Scan Group Barcode, and it should automatically join you to the group. Let me know if you have any problems…
Added! This will be an awesome way to share photos and thoughts on the big day Don’tcha love technology?!
Excellent idea. This should be a great way to spread information around very quickly
I wonder how many people will join this before kickoff.
As of roughly 11pm(5 hours after it was announced), we’re up to 6 already…unfortunately, it looks like the groups feature limits you to a max of 30 people…we’ll cross that bridge if we get there…
Just added myself, this is a great idea!
Once I figured out I need to download a new version of Blackberry Messenger things went much smoother!
I upgraded my messenger just for this. At work we have switched away from the BBerry messenger to Google talk to allow our help desk technicians that answer phones to be able to quickly message the technicians in the field about problems. If BBerry messenger had a desktop client we would have probably stayed with it.
I don’t have a blackberry, but I’m thinking on kickoff day the last thing I would want/need is my phone constantly going off with things from people I don’t even know. But, I guess some people like that?