Blitz Awards: the list & writups

2004 Beantown Blitz: Champion

  • This is awarded to the three teams who win the Beantown Blitz competition

571, 61, & 1100

2004 Beantown Blitz: Finalist

  • This is awarded to the three teams who are runners-up in the Beantown Blitz competition

181, 126, & 178

2004 Beantown Blitz: #1 Ranked Team

  • This is awarded to the team who ranks #1 after the Qualifying Matches are completed


2004 Beantown Blitz: The Human Element

  • This award recognizes the team who, over the course of the competition, has the highest number of purple or yellow balls scored in the goal (excluding multiplier). It is assumed that the team with the highest number of balls (not points) has the most outstanding human playing ability.

63 balls total were scored throughout the day

*2004 Beantown Blitz: Imagery

  • This award celebrates attractiveness in engineering and outstanding visual aesthetic integration from the machine to team appearance.

This team is a younger team who has acquired and exemplifies the FIRST spirit with their team cheering and noisemakers urging them onward. Their robot is well served as it continues it’s rebellious spirit with a cause. Whether on 4 wheels or 2, this robot has well-earned this award.

2004 Beantown Blitz: Play of the Day

  • This award will be judged by the people at the scoring table who will be taking notes on the best robot-plays during the course of the competition. A winner will be selected when all the qualifying matches have been performed.


*2004 Beantown Blitz: Boston Holl-a

  • This award celebrates extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit through exceptional partnership and teamwork (team spirit).

We felt that this team showed not only great energy, but a willingness to help others on and off the field. As one of the first teams to arrive, they helped other teams unpack their robots before they touched their own. With no major sponsor or college aid, they still were able to effectively & enthusiastically communicate to the judges that they do this for the love of the machine.

*2004 Beantown Blitz: Engineering Elegance

  • This award celebrates an elegant and advantageous machine feature. This award recognizes any aspect of engineering elegance including, but not limited to: design, wiring methods, material selection, programming techniques, and/or unique machine attributes. The criteria for this award are based on the team’s ability to concisely verbally describe, as well as demonstrate, this chosen machine feature.

This team proved to us that you can be fast and strong. Your systems can be redundant, but not excessive; and your arm can have as many degrees of freedom you want, as long as you design in some compliance for Mister Side Impact. Of course, having a highly optimized multi-input autonomous mode and two-speed pneumatically actuated tranny also rocks!

*2004 Beantown Blitz: ‘Wicked Awsome’ Robot
(I know it’s spelled incorrectly, phonetic pronunciation :slight_smile: )

  • This is an award for the coolest robot. Not necessarily the most decorative robot, or the one that can do the most… just the one that makes people stop and say: “wow, now THAT’S A COOL ROBOT!”

The more we learned about this robot & team, the more impressed we were. We saw them on and off the field and they accomplished so many objectives in wicked awesome ways. From the cool wheels & retractable axle to the way they used the suction cups & ball elevator, we were further captivated by the reverse spinners driven by their wheels and the HYPERcool pool hoses on their tires. You are certainly Wicked Awesome!

*2004 Beantown Blitz: Judges Award
-During the course of the competition, the judging panel may encounter a team whose unique efforts, performance, or dynamics merit recognition.

This team was on top of our lists for many of the awards today. They showed enthusiasm through team cohesiveness, community support, and imagination. This team shows great leadership, ingenuity, and opportunity that never stops… as well as a great lion dance!