BNO055 Gyroscope and Roborio

Hello guys

We intend to use a gyroscope to move the robot straight, I was thinking if the BNO055 is a good idea.
Our team is from Brazil and some materials and devices are or very expensive or unavailable. The BNO055 sensor seems to be a reasonable solution, has anyone used it yet?

I found some links that might be useful:


My team has used the BNO055 in the past, and found it fairly reliable.

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I’m the author of the git project you linked to. It hasn’t been updated in a while, but should still work with minimal effort.

If you have specific questions I may be able to help out. Note that there is a version of the board from adafruit, and another from digikey that’s linked to in the repo. Not sure if one source is easier to use than the other in Brazil. Both boards will work with the repo code if you follow the setup instructions.

Feel free to email me any questions.

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