Thanks to all of the volunteers who made the 2006 BOILERMAKER Regional a great success. You made my job easy!

While some regionals are struggling to get volunteers, we had over 90 people helping during the competition. There was great coverage for the field, the ref crew, concessions, inspection, pits, queing, scoring - everywhere!

A special thanks to all of the Purdue FIRST students who gave up their spring break for this event - setting up on Wednesday, working Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and then helping with teardown and pack up of everything.
You were awesome and made the event come together.

The Regional Planning Committee, Led by Amy and Greg, really works well together and continues to set a high standard for a FIRST Regional.

And, thanks to 29 great teams for being a part of the event. Great competition, great people, way to play!

Chris Fultz,
Volunteer Coordinator - 2006 BMR :slight_smile:

I am also thankful of all of the volunteers and the planning committee. The Boilermaker was great and I loved attending this year with my team. If I were a student at Purdue, it would be a no-brainier for me to volunteer to help.

Darnit Chris!!! I was creating this same post, got logged off, and when I came back you already had this!! :slight_smile: Anywho, glad I copied/pasted.

To whoever is reading, I wanted to say some thanks and have you pass it on to those involved.

Thanks to the entire planning committee (Greg, Amanda, Flo, Shannon, Alexis, Miles, Daniel, Jason, Valerie, Baker, Cynthia, Jerry, Matt, Carolyn, Jenny, Rachael, Jim and Mary, Chris, David, Susan) - without them this event could not have been remotely possible, with months of preparation and time spent trying to make sure all details were covered. You all busted your rears to make it great.

Thanks to Greg McCoy who stepped in as co-chair and picked up where I lacked, as well as putting up with me. Trying to juggle school and this committment was an amazing task and you did it extremely well.

Thanks to the Purdue FIRST program for supplying lots of volunteers, committee, and all-around support. They are a huge part of this event.

Thanks to Mark Koors for coming in as Field Tech Advisor and working with Jerry to make sure things were running as smooth as possible, along with JVN with IFI support.

Thanks to all the volunteers - last year we had an amazing turnout, and it repeated this year. Without them, we simply can’t run an event. Your continued support means everything, and we appreciate your time and effort in a way hard to describe.

Thanks to all our sponsors (NASA, PU, Schlumberger, Delphi, INSGC, Rolls-Royce, GM, Kimberly-Clark, Toyota NA, and all our concession and equipment provisions) - again, without them we’d have no event. Purdue provides some fantastic facilities that allows us to have an amazing event and awards ceremonies, as well as great machine shop. Using the armory may have it’s disadvantages, but I can’t say enough about the awesome and exciting atmosphere it creates inside when filled with teams.

Thanks to Blair - for returning a second time, maybe we can go three! Keeping things lively and entertained along with Collin - great duo for BMR voices.

Thanks to the TEAMS!! - those who returned and those who attended for the first time. We had great compettiion, great GP, and great atmosphere due to those in attendance.

Thanks to the Judges for giving their time to FIRST and this event.

Thanks to production and event mgmt - they were a pleasure to work with.

Congratulations to all the teams for a job well done, the regional winners, and all award winners. We hope you come back for more and have continued success.

Congrats to all scholarship winners. We were pleased to hand out roughly 63k this year to various recipients.

Congratulations to Mark Koors for receiving WFA!! This man - good grief - he deserves it.

Congratulations to Steve Florence for Volunteer of the Year Award. You truly deserve it and all the recognition you receive.

Ohhh, I’m sure I’m missing something and as soon as I figure it out, I will post. Thank you all again!!!

I would like to thank the organizers and leaders for allowing me to be a volunteer and take part in this event.

Thank you to the other volunteers for being so friendly and helpful.

Thanks to eugenia gabrielov and her family for hosting my friend and I. They were very helpful and generous.

Thanks to the teams for being so eay to work with.

Yeah a BIG thanks to everyone that helped at BMR this year i would love to see all that were there this year that helped next year!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

P.S.-Can someone play the “Goofy Goober Rock” song next year it would be FUNNY!!!

Thanks to the teams for coming because without you guys, there wouldn’t be an event at all!

Thank you so much to Chris Fultz & Blair and Collin. These three people had no problem with letting me doing some announcing during the regional and it was one of the best experiences I’ve had at a regional event yet. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to have the mic for a lot more matches than I thought I’d be annoucing.

To everyone, thank you. I hope all had a great time and cannot wait for Boilermaker Regional 2007.

Thanks to everyone for making this for me, an event to remember for all time.

Thanks to my fellow refs for being an awesome crew.

Thanks to the teams for making our job easy! You were all well behaved and displayed GP at all times.

Thanks to the planning committee for putting together a well organized event and showing those of us from the WI regional planning committee how an event is supposed to be run. We hope we can be even half as good as you were this coming week.

Congrats to all teams, whether you came home with hardware or not. Making it this far is an accomplishment in itself and from my perspective, it appeared that everyone had a wonderful time.

Thanks to all my fellow social dodgeball players…even though I can barely move today.

I can’t wait for 07!


Like Amy, I am going to forget people and come back with edits later, I’m sure.

Amy and Greg - you two were fabulous. I realize and fully appreciate how much hard work and dedication it took from the two of you to pull this regional together.

On the same note, thank you to the regional directors, the producers and management, and the regional planning committee - you truly were patient, and gracious, professionals.

Mark Koors - thanks so much for putting up with my questions about equipment placement during field setup on Wednesday and a very sincere congratulations on winning the Woodie Flowers Award - the stories that your students tell about you are nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Blair and Collin - you guys were quite the dynamic duo as emcee and announcer. Even though I was the first one out, I’ll never forget the time I played dodge ball on a competition field :yikes: Blair, you will have a shirt waiting for you in Atlanta, I promise!

Volunteers and crew members - all I can say is “wow”. You kept the regional running in top form and greeted every team with a smile as they passed through the pits and field.

Kevin Kolodziej - you’d better keep dodging, ducking, dipping, diving, and dodging so you are ready for IRI! Thanks for playing with us - the soreness will wear off soon enough :slight_smile:

Ricky - I whined about Styx and bathrooms. I was crabby and flighty at times. I used your laptop. I probably made a fool of myself on the morning news today. And I made you a peanut butter, pickle, mayonnaise, ham, cheese, oreo, and carrot sandwich on whole wheat out of frustration. Thanks for everything. WI is going to rock the house because “It’s the fi-nal count-dooooowwwwwwwn!”

Scott and Libby Ritchie - Thank you very much for recognizing me and saying hello. It was a pleasure to meet you both, despite the fact that we only spoke for a short time. Hopefully I’ll run into you and your amazing teams at the Championships and IRI.

The Rookie Teams - You provided incredible competition while displaying unbridled heart and GP. Congratulations especially to 1747 for winning the Saftey Award, 1741 for winning the Rookie All-Star and Inspiration Awards, and to 1720 for being the highest rookie seed and thank you for selecting us as your partners. Best of luck to you all in your future competitions and endeavors!

I don’t even know where to begin, and I’m sure I’ll miss people, but here goes:

Amy - Thanks for all your hard work…I can’t even imagine trying to do all that you did along with everything else. You are incredibly dedicated and I don’t know what I would have done without someone like you…we wouldn’t have as good a regional, that’s for sure…

Alexis Denz - You didn’t get much recognition at the regional, but you put up with me asking you to help with everything and were always willing to work harder. I appreciate your help so much.

Miles Davis - Thanks so much for taking care of a lot of the IT stuff, especially for your hard work trying to get the webcast up and capturing video.

Carolyn P. and Susan - Thanks for all your hard work and support, I learned a lot from you and greatly appreciate your efforts, aside from putting up with me :rolleyes:

Purdue University - The IT guys worked hard to get the networking and our equipment up while juggling the women’s NCAA basketball tournament at the same time…thanks for the long hours of work. The Hall of Music team was very accommodating…your friendliness and professionalism truly impressed me. Thanks to the Reamer Club for the use of the Boilermaker (Extra) Special, not to mention all of the facilities. I am very proud to be a (small) part of such an outstanding group of people.

FIRST Crew / Production Team - You guys were top notch. You had everything together and were extra supportive. Your professionalism and experience were wonderful. Thanks for everything.

Purdue FIRST Programs Students - Thanks for all your hard work. Congratulations to 1747 on qualifying for nationals.

Refs, Judges, Volunteers - Thanks for your help…I am so proud to be surrounded by such a great group of people, and thanks for putting up with both a freshman year in college and a freshman year of volunteering :ahh: Thanks so much for all your kind words of encouragement.

Thanks Amy, Greg, Chris and everyone else-- you guys did a BRILLIANT job planning the whole event!!! Thanks to all of the other refs, especially for backing me up when I got hit in the head with fast flying poof balls :)!!

You guys all made it a great time, and now it’s virtually impossible to get to work!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


On behalf of 1319 Golden Strip Robotics, I would like to thank:

  1. the Planning Committee for planning such a wonderful regional!

  2. the Judges for recognizing our efforts

  3. the Referees for dealing with some interesting matches

  4. and most of all teams 1272 and 85 for believing in us after all we went through. It was a true pleasure to play and win with two such spectacular teams. We hope we can raise the money to see y’all (and everyone else) at nationals this year in Atlanta!

Thank you for everything guys! It was a blast!!

  1. And thanks to team 1555 for their support and cheering.

  2. Everybody on tech support for recognizing that there were issues with the field, and getting them resolved ASAP so that the competition could be continued fairly.

Thank you to everyone that served on the regional planning committee! This was once again a well-planned event with a lot of fun extras included.

To all the teams that were at the event, thank you for making this another great regional as well!

Marci/447, thank you for being so good to my kids. You made their day with all of your fun handouts that you gave to them!