What is the typical way of booting the software on the coprocessor before a match (such as Chameleon Vision)? Do you need a display to do it? Thanks
There’s several ways of starting a program on boot, at least for the Pi. I don’t know enough about chameleon vision to know ehich ones would work. But you don’t need a display.
Assuming your running on a Pi, you could always just add the chameleon vision startup command to your /etc/rc.local file and it’ll run the command when your pi boots up
I moved it there. How do I make sure it’s running?
Also, will it run even since there is a username and password?
The username and password is only needed when your trying to directly connect to your pi from your computer, for example via ssh. The pi will boot up and run the command regardless of whether you ssh into your pi or not.
If your pi is hooked up to your radio and is set to a static IP, you could probably just connect to your robots radio from your computer and then navigate to the static IP on port 5800 to check if the webserver is running
The FRCVision image uses DJB daemontools for running background services. You can use the FRCVision image with Chameleon Vision by setting up Chameleon Vision as a user Java program (you can upload any .jar file to run, or do something custom by editing the /home/pi/runCamera shell script).
if you are using chameleon the new version (V2.3 should be out in a few days) has and auto install button for updating chameleon jars and installing it to run at startup
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