Hello all! I am glad to announce that almost 95% of the spam on the FIRSTwiki has now been eradicated, and although we are still in the process of upgrading the site’s software, there is still much to be done, most of it which can only be done by YOU! No matter if you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to FIRST, we need everyone’s help in bringing back the site!
What can you do?
Almost every current page on the wiki needs more information added to it, no matter if it’s about a team, a competition, or a part of a robot. The easiest and also most helpful thing that you can do is put in as much addition facts about your team as you can, such as their history, what awards they’ve won each year, etc. The site also contains pages such as ‘C.A.D.’ and ‘Chassis’ which require more information, as well as articles about each years’ games and regionals.
Also, please feel free to create new pages, as we hope to revive the site into a useful resource that teams can use in conjunction with Chief Delphi to easily look up any info needed.
As we get closer to upgrading the FIRSTwiki’s software, we’d like to remind everyone that the site will only gain popularity and use through YOUR help! Please continue to add as much information as possible to the wiki, and encourage others to as well! We thank all of you who have helped contribute so far, as well as those who will edit in the near future!
I’m bumping this because the FIRST Wiki has been mentioned in a few threads I’ve been reading recently, and it seems as if it’s been neglected over the past year. The featured article is old, and the featured picture is from 2009. A few rookie teams are missing, and some of the newer, more valuable info is yet to be published.
So what do you say? Let’s revamp the FIRST WIki and once again make it the up-to-date, source of knowledge for all FIRST teams it used to be!
Well I guess I could update 191’s page and there hasn’t been anything done with the Fantasy FIRST page since 2007 so maybe if I’m not busy I can do that. I’m busy looking for good Foo Fighter music (investigating There’s Nothing Left to Lose) waiting for the Daytona 500 to start. If the race is a no go I’ll fix up the X-Cat page.
Thanks for the reminder, Andrew. I fixed up 1124’s page a couple months ago, and if I have time later, I’ll take another look at it and see if I can contribute anywhere else, too.
So I decided with a little more free-time on my hands, since I just went through for our team’s website and collected a lot of this information, I thought I’d go through and apply it to our team’s page.
I also plan on updating our team’s invitational Page (Where is Wolcott?).
Does anyone recommend an event page I could look at as a good model.
Haha, I remember this. That was a great alliance! To keep this post on topic, I’m going to talk to our website team about getting Team 20’s page updated…hasn’t been touched since 2005 o_0.
Just getting the hang of things… Perhaps will edit the PID page tomorrow and expand the new cRio pages I made… How do I add them to the control system side bar? There must be a template somewhere I can edit.