Bot Lifting off the ground

One of our swerve modules for some reason is around 1/16 to sometimes 1/8 off the ground. All of the other swerve modules seem to be on the ground and they all look to be assembled correctly. For some context we are running Mk4is, L3, with an Unqualified Quokkas design.

Sounds like a frame issue not a swerve module issue.


The most likely reason for this is that your frame is not correctly assembled. If anything is out of square, then you can get uneven contact from the swerve modules. Go back over the frame carefully and you’ll find the cause.


Do you have a base plate as well or just the frame? And if you do have a plate what are the dimensions and material used? If you had a thick base plate with a strong enough material it would suck the bar stock down flat even if it had a slight bend, but you should check the quality of the bar stock and the straightness of each piece.

Twist and bend can sometimes be corrected slowly and methodically with weight and time or possibly some heat (I don’t like advising heat ever because the difference between soft aluminum and aluminum soup is too close and dangerous). The type of aluminum matters as well. 6061t4 will bend once or twice but not over and over unless it’s pretty thick. 5052 (I think) is better. Plain 6061 on its own will be hard and not like abrupt changes. I’m not an expert on this subject though


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