Box positions

Searched, didn’t find any threads relating, so here it is:

Do boxes have to be completely in the scoring zone when the human players are setting up in their ten second time frame, or can they be placed with only a little bit of the box touching the scoring zone?

Based on that, i would say anything that is considered “in” based on the rules and is rightsside up would count in the human player mode

they are definately in if any part of them is in, be it half, a corner, any part of the box touching the blue/red rug counts as in

*Originally posted by GateRunner *
Searched, didn’t find any threads relating, so here it is:

While it’s good to see that someone actually searched before posting, it isn’t a bad idea to search the official FIRST forums.

i think first misunderstood the question when they asked about the tape…

what i got from first’s answer is they thought the person meant the arc of tape, not the tape to the middle zone.

someone should probably repost and ask about that… (coughmecough)


I believe that as long as ANY part of your box is in the zone and they are upside down then you are ok…I might be wrong

the boxes have to be right-side up- I know that as a matter of fact… I also believe the whole box has to be in the zone- I’ll check the rules

here it is- boxes have to be in the zone

Main Entry: 1with·in
Pronunciation: wi-’[th]in, -'thin
Function: adverb
1 : in or into the interior : INSIDE
2 : in one’s inner thought, disposition, or character : INWARDLY