Box unbendable material

The Samsonite Monkeys of Site 3 Engineering (team 1097) have just beaten a box to death simulating the force of robots colliding with on of the boxes. We discovered that the material that the boxes are made of isn’t very bendable. When kicked about 5 times the box cracked :(, making holes in the box. Now just imagine the force of two 130 lb. robots colliding with the box. It would practically shatter. Just wanted to help all you other teams out with the heads up.

                       Site 3 Engineering
                       Team 1097
                       Jesuit high school
                       Carmichael (Sacramento), CA:

We know, thanks though :smiley:


Though they dont stand up to much abuse they certinly stack well! Have you tried it? they stick like glue to each other.

We tested it by puching the top box untill the stack fell over almost 20 degrees before the stack fell apart! excellent!

*Originally posted by andy *
**Though they dont stand up to much abuse they certinly stack well! Have you tried it? they stick like glue to each other.

We tested it by puching the top box untill the stack fell over almost 20 degrees before the stack fell apart! excellent!
-Andy **

How tall was your stack? Our team has concerns with tilting a stack 14% up the ramp, but if you can get it up 20%.