Some of you may know what it is, but I’ll give a brief explanation anyway.
Brain wave stimulation is a way to entrain the EEG frequencies of the brain, thus producing the desired state of awareness: Alert, Relaxed, drowsy, and asleep. This is usually done via auditory stimulation. Different combinations of the above states make better atmospheres for learning, or taking tests.
Sounds spooky, huh?
Well I’d like to know what Everyone thinks of this, as I have been using it to help me sleep, and it seems to be working. Below is a link to one of many websites on it… This one gives a more thorough explanation and describes the effects more vividly.
There is also a place on this site to download a tone generator that is supposed to produce the brain-altering tones, it is the one which I have been using with good results, here is the direct link:
Very probably, anyway. When they use terms like “astral projection” and “telekinesis” (even under a disclaimer) as promotional statements, I get wary. And when, on the same page, they make specific medical claims, without citing a clinical trial, I’m increasingly sure that they’re either deluded or practicing quackery.
What’s the problem with a “harmless” placebo? People start believing that it’s going to cure their affliction, and decide that they don’t need to take their real medicine anymore. Sometimes, they’re OK on the placebo alone; more often, they feel good for a while, until their pre-existing medical issue gets worse.
Does it work? You could say so. Do the “brainwaves” cause what you’re feeling? Probably not.
The power of the mind alone is amazing, in and of itself. You don’t need any programs to change your mood or what you are feeling, rather simple affirmative thinking could do the job itself.
If you’re interested, look into Law of Attraction and the movie The Secret.
Its worked thus far for me.
EDIT: I should say that if you just sit around thinking positively, not much will happen. You have to take action, in addition to being positive and having a good outlook. For every action there is a reaction, and the reaction to sitting around with high hopes is sitting around with high hopes.