Break Down of Awards By Fields.

Okay so my teacher got really bored this morning and broke down all the awards by Division at the championships and who won what were.

So for your enjoyment.

Archimedes Field - Regional Award Winners
71 Teams

Chairman Award 120, 65
Regional Champions 384, 692, 606, 306, 384, 134, 157, 168, 226, 1088, 34, 647, 34, 233
Regional Finalist 69, 85, 365, 177, 233, 306, 65, 222, 222
Engineering Inspiration 903, 250, 342, 22, 573
Spirit 692, 222, 365, 306, 34
Driving Tomorrow’s Tech 157, 469, 237, 854, 365, 190
GM Industrial Design 85, 547, 233, 111, 868
Sportsmanship Award 365, 65
Entrepreneurship 868, 1088, 222, 34, 190, 606, 47
Quality Award 692, 967, 980, 469, 1088, 222, 233
Creativity Award 573, 34, 433, 980
Imagery Award 295, 476, 233, 507, 647, 233
Control Award 190, 665
Website Award 342, 34, 34
Autodesk Visualization 342, 75, 75
Rookie 1034, 1055
Judges Award 384, 953, 771, 34

Galileo Field - Regional Award Winners
73 Teams

Chairman Award 236, 334, 461, 341, 359, 118, 391
Regional Champions 1147, 755, 236, 236, 108, 421, 45, 1180, 486, 662, 486, 541
Regional Finalist 977, 599, 217, 217, 359, 814, 118, 175
Engineering Inspiration 379, 449
Spirit 977, 217, 217, 155, 21, 1108
Driving Tomorrow’s Tech 312, 167
GM Industrial Design 571, 279, 303
Sportsmanship Award 599, 45, 45, 21, 145, 231
Entrepreneurship 662, 68, 379, 108, 123
Quality Award 303, 263, 207, 74
Creativity Award
Imagery Award 207, 217, 68
Control Award 1038, 638, 814, 236, 348, 108, 341, 118
Website Award 1038, 217, 108, 9
Autodesk Visualization 1038, 74, 74, 74
Rookie 1011
Judges Award 131, 333, 45, 9, 814

Curie Field - Regional Award Winners
72 Teams

Chairman Award 234, 357, 79, 610, 343, 103
Regional Champions 395, 171, 650, 322, 548, 212, 522, 245, 494, 1218, 115, 25, 60, 245
Regional Finalist 121, 935, 291, 79, 322, 16, 343, 87, 87, 103, 955, 71
Engineering Inspiration 16, 470, 395
Spirit 191, 1
Driving Tomorrow’s Tech 435, 16, 357, 548, 229
GM Industrial Design 115, 48, 148, 71
Sportsmanship Award 60
Entrepreneurship 79, 343, 103, 135
Quality Award 494, 435, 48, 126, 522
Creativity Award 987, 386, 115, 148, 308
Imagery Award 395, 87, 301, 87
Control Award 470
Website Award 234, 935, 234, 103, 103, 115, 103
Autodesk Visualization 103, 343, 103, 357
Rookie 1023, 1218
Judges Award 480, 25, 48, 494, 301, 25, 60

Newton Field - Regional Award Winners
71 Teams
Chairman Award 388, 254, 538, 49, 230, 957, 330
Regional Champions 27, 1126, 388, 460, 49, 782, 302, 67, 378, 292, 204, 254, 753
Regional Finalist 378, 587, 254, 192, 330, 63, 481, 871
Engineering Inspiration 481, 651
Spirit 230, 957, 235
Driving Tomorrow’s Tech 624, 27, 27, 358, 624
GM Industrial Design 213, 587, 330, 339, 19, 271, 192
Sportsmanship Award 811, 141, 122, 481, 358, 254, 128
Entrepreneurship 27, 19, 103
Quality Award 292
Creativity Award 258, 343, 5, 782, 173, 447
Imagery Award 173, 192
Control Award 447, 192, 836, 49, 378, 343, 141
Website Award 19, 311, 343
Autodesk Visualization 192, 192, 651, 192, 192
Rookie 1027, 1071, 1156
Judges Award 1126, 128, 292, 549, 563, 67

To any teams that we left out we apologize. I dont really know for sure the importance of this document but here it is for all your enjoyment:)

You can see some trends like the fact that Galileo has no creativity award winners…

regional award winners at nat.doc (24 KB)

regional award winners at nat.doc (24 KB)

Curie is full of alot of brilliant but quiet teams…

Guess it’s up to us to get the party started!:smiley:

*Originally posted by oneangrydwarf *
Curie Field - Regional Award Winners
72 Teams

Chairman Award 234, 357, 79, 610, 343, 103
Regional Champions 395, 171, 650, 322, 548, 212, 522, 245, 494, 1218, 115, 25, 60, 245
Regional Finalist 121, 935, 291, 79, 322, 16, 343, 87, 87, 103, 955, 71
Engineering Inspiration 16, 470, 395
Spirit 191, 1
Driving Tomorrow’s Tech 435, 16, 357, 548, 229
GM Industrial Design 115, 48, 148, 71
Sportsmanship Award 60
Entrepreneurship 79, 343, 103, 135
Quality Award 494, 435, 48, 126, 522
Creativity Award 987, 386, 115, 148, 308
Imagery Award 395, 87, 301, 87
Control Award 470
Website Award 234, 935, 234, 103, 103, 115, 103
Autodesk Visualization 103, 343, 103, 357
Rookie 1023, 1218
Judges Award 480, 25, 48, 494, 301, 25, 60

Newton Field - Regional Award Winners
71 Teams
Chairman Award 388, 254, 538, 49, 230, 957, 330
Regional Champions 27, 1126, 388, 460, 49, 782, 302, 67, 378, 292, 204, 254, 753
Regional Finalist 378, 587, 254, 192, 330, 63, 481, 871
Engineering Inspiration 481, 651
Spirit 230, 957, 235
Driving Tomorrow’s Tech 624, 27, 27, 358, 624
GM Industrial Design 213, 587, 330, 339, 19, 271, 192
Sportsmanship Award 811, 141, 122, 481, 358, 254, 128
Entrepreneurship 27, 19, 103
Quality Award 292
Creativity Award 258, 343, 5, 782, 173, 447
Imagery Award 173, 192
Control Award 447, 192, 836, 49, 378, 343, 141
Website Award 19, 311, 343
Autodesk Visualization 192, 192, 651, 192, 192
Rookie 1027, 1071, 1156
Judges Award 1126, 128, 292, 549, 563, 67


You have our (team 343’s) awards correct except for Website but some show up in Newton and we are actually in Curie. We have received a total of 7 awards this year. Regional Chairman’s at Peachtree, Finalist at Peachtree, Leadership in Control at Peachtree, Animation at Peachtree, Entrepreneurship at VCU, Creativity at VCU and Animation at VCU. What I see from these lists is that there are a lot of very accomplished teams going to Nationals. I am looking forward to the honor of competing with all of you.

Good luck to all!:]

25 also won a regional this past weekend, and another judges award

Looks like it’s evenly distributed across the board. Nice…

We (358 in Newton) also received the Xerox Creativity at the BAE regional.

It’s a pretty nice list for just being done off-the-cuff like that. I guess this is the kind of thing you do when your mind is so completely on the upcoming Nationals and you’re just waiting for them to begin.

I think you left out 188. They’re in the Curie division, and they were part of the winning alliance at West Michigan.

Yeah, we were also finalists at the Canadian Regional, but we’re probably not up there since we just qualified to go to Nationals last week :slight_smile:

um yah we won Driving Tomorrow’s Technology Award hence the reason we are in Houston. You can add us to the Newton field.

ahem I feel left out. Better watch out for 247, Regional finalists in Ypsi last year, and proud to be in Newton this year!

yah i dont think we are going to add anyone…maybe when we get back and have nothing to do…
He mostly did this for his own enjoyment, and cuz its cool to look at the breakdowns but we dont have time to add all the teams we missed from the more recent stuff or just things that were overlooked cuz we are leaving at like 7:45 tomorrow morning…

Sorry if you got left out, it was definately nothing personal!

We’re also the Regional winners at West Michigan… One more Canadian regional Winner!!!:smiley:

What one team has the most awards?

Team 481 has 3

234 has 3