Break My Program - Beta Testers Needed! (FMSHelper)

Dear All,

I need your help. I’m looking for beta testers for a program that I’m writing. You can read all about it here:

Just to repeat a few facts, the basic idea of the program is that it will help people run off-season events. The program is completely FREE and is licensed under the GNU GPL (basically this means that it is open-source).

And so I am looking for more beta testers for the project so that I can ensure that it works correctly at any events that it is used for. Essentially what a beta tester does is just use the program to try to catch bugs in it. You can be as mean as you want to the program - take away files it depends on, etc. - and tell me if it crashes.

I really particularly need beta testers running Linux and Mac OSs. In theory, Java is completely compatible cross-platform, but I’d like to know for sure. I’ve done all of my testing so far on Windows.

To become a beta tester:

  1. (Optional) e-mail me. You don’t need to sign up or anything, but it would just be great to hear from you. My e-mail is <myusername>
  2. Download FMSHelper. It is available here: -> Library -> FMSHelper

(direct link if that doesn’t work
3. Make sure you have a Java Virtual Machine on your computer (see
4. Follow the steps in the read-me to execute the program!

My hope is that this program can help people run their off-season events in an easy and reliable manner. Thanks in advance for your help!


A quick test shows it works on (k)ubuntu 9.04 64 bit with OpenJDK-6

From Brandon Dean:

Anyone beta testing on a Mac might want to look into this.

Thanks Brandon!

A quick update: anyone interested in this is welcome to join the google code group fmshelper - just e-mail me and I will invite you. you will be able to report issues quickly and easily, and see responses from me. You will also see all the latest updates to the project before they are released.


There now is a Google Code project opened up for FMS Helper. Here you can get the latest version of FMS Helper and see current known issues with the program. Please if you find a problem with it or have an idea for the program submit it in the ‘Issues’ section.

I know it’s been a while, but - a new version is out! Hopefully this one will be a whole lot of fun to use.

Why is that, you ask? Why, because:

It just got graphical, dudes and dudesses! The project is now integrated with a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Again, please e-mail me at <myusername> if you would like to be involved or would like more information.

The new version is posted on the google code group and at -> Library

A quick P.S.:

If you’re planning to/are interested in using this software for your off-season event, I would love to hear from you! (or by CD PM, or by replying here). Things I’d be interested in hearing include but are not limited to: features you’d like to see added, WHEN your event is so I know what your deadline is, and support requests for the software.

Sorry, it really is up now!

( -> Library)

I will be discontinuing my use of Chief Delphi (see the general forum, if it hasn’t been deleted already). Thus, updates will no longer be posted here. e-mail me at <myusername> with questions.