Brickfest 2005

Any one get a chance to attend the Brickfest 2005 held in Arlington, VA?

It looks awesome!

I was there for most of Sunday afternoon, before heading off to Wetzel’s birthday celebration (OMG - he’s 21 now!!!). Brickfest was a pretty amazing exhibition. Some of the most intricate and elaborate Lego constructions I have ever seen were there. Without photos (dang it - I forgot my camera!) it is hard to really appreciate the displays that were on hand. But a few of the favoriates include the 10x60 foot Lego train display, the pieces of pixelated artwork made of thousands of 1x1 Lego blocks, the six-foot tall yellow-and-black Moonbase display, the “Angel” sculpture made of 8600 pure white bricks, the four-foot-tall detailed Homer Simpson, and the 10-foot long 1/100 scale Japanese destroyer model complete with interior details.

Some of the other attractions included a looping series of Lego movies (all the characters and scenery are Lego). There was also a constantly-running series of FIRST Lego League and Lego Robo-Sumo demonstrations. In all, it was a lot of fun, and a great way to see just how creative people can be with those little plastic bricks.


I soooo wish I did. I attended back in 2003, and if offered, I would go again in a heartbeat. :] (maybe my next who am i will be me wearing the shirt and name tag…)

You have no idea. Go see a train show with one of the Train groups.

The official gallery contains some stuff. Try googling around for some more images. One you may want to try is MOCpages. (A MOC (My Own Creation) is just a model.)