Bridgewater MAR District Match Videos

As always, FRC Team 1676 recorded full-field footage for the Qualification and Elimination Matches, Alliance Selections, and Awards Ceremony at the Bridgewater-Raritan MAR District Event this past weekend. I think we’re just missing three matches, Qualification Matches 26 and 59, and Semifinal 2-1. I would definitely recommend at least watching the first Finals match if you have the time; it’s not often you see a 2 v. 3 win in the Finals. You can find the whole playlist here:

Congrats to 193, 293, and 4361 on the win, as well as to our good friends 75 for a well-deserved Chairman’s Award. It was nice to play a little award-switcharoo with you guys between our Mt. Olive and Bridgewater Awards ;). Also, thanks to the gracious hosts 303 and all of the volunteers for holding a great event.

See everyone at Lehigh for MAR Champs next week.

The stream was not too good. Why was there only 2 bots? Did they not get on the field in time? I guess 293 make the right choice to decline.

They had some repair that they had to make, and by the time they wanted to use their timeout it was too late. Lucky them after the first match, 365 also had a failure and they called a timeout which 293 took full advantage of.

Never heard such an applause for a team walking on the field when they were back.

I don’t care about the flaws in this game. ANY alliance winning a finals match down 2v3 is a feat that is worth talking about.

Congrats to the winners, and thanks to all the teams for making it a really exciting event.

I would like to know why the time limits weren’t enforced throughout the Finals. Teams were bringing robots onto the field well after time had expired throughout the Finals.

What was going on?

Thanks George. We were just hoping to buy 293 enough time to finish rewiring their robot after replacing a fried PD board, but thanks to 4361’s awesome driving around two robots, it paid off.

For the missing matches and a slightly different angle the webcast has been broken into matches available here.

Also, if anyone is wondering, in the finals our robot got so bent out of shape that a sensor that stops the winch was no longer in the same place relative to the shooter so it kept winching till the weakest link failed.

Thanks Ryan! Congratulations to Team 1676 on winning the Engineering Inspiration Award! We would also like to thank 303 for holding such a great district competition, and we can’t wait to see everyone at MAR Champs!