Bring on the FIRST merchandise!

So what happened to all the merchandise that FIRST was selling at the regionals last year?? I know that glow dog was selling the reflective clothes for FIRST last year. Is there going to be any FIRST merchandise this year???

From what I understand, FIRST lost too much money on the merchandise, sooooo, no merchandise this year. The only merchandise for FIRST this year will be done by DISNEY. Oh well…

I wounder what would happen if ppl wore reflective chlothing near a ball shooting-optic bot :smiley: (smart F.I.R.S.T. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Probably nothing important, with a 6’ high barrier in between…

Official word from FIRST(I asked them at GLR) is no non-Disney merchandise this year…they didn’t go into why, but I guess I’m just going to have to wait until Disney to replace my hat…

I’m definately bringing my visa card…cause you know what they say; it’s everywhere you want to be! And i want to definately be in FLA during the competition!

What about the bumper stickers that were talked about on the boards before? Is anyone still planning to design one or have them printed up? I’d really like one…

I have two FIRST euro stickers I made, one of them I made into a window decal and it is on my car.

Euro stickers are the white oval ones that you see all over the place.

I have had the best idea for a bumper sticker…well someone at my college does…whenever I walk to the parking lot I see a car with a homemade bumper sticker that says:


I love it…I wanna meet the kid that has that sticker!!! What a smart thinker he is!

/me was looking forward to buying some this year.
I spend to much time in tigerbolt chat, I speak /me…

Hope there is better stuff at Disney this year…

At the Motorola Midwest Regional, I saw numerous people with FIRST Cell Phone Face Plates. I think it might have been something that the motorola teams did, but i am not sure.

Does anyone know where these FIRST Face Plates came from?

Know how I picked my cellphone? It was between a Motorola & a name I don’t remember…and the two phones were basically equal in comparison…and basically, I thought “well, might as well go with someone who sponsors FIRST”

I would love to get my hands on a FIRST faceplate!

There’s another thread for the face plates…

That’s a shame, I’ve waited two years to buy a FIRST t-shirt and now I don’t get one…bah.

They used to have nice keychains, and I even probably have a merchendise brochure somewhere. I really wanted one of those black long sleeve shirts with blue print on it, they were neat.

*Originally posted by AdamT *
**…That’s a shame, I’ve waited two years to buy a FIRST t-shirt and now I don’t get one…bah.

They used to have nice keychains, and I even probably have a merchendise brochure somewhere.


Ditto, I finally get a job, and no shirts at VCU.
And I got a real nice keychain last year, for free. 255 was handing them out.
Any teams out there make stuff like bumperstickers or window clings and sell them to raise money?

The problem I would be worried about is making compy write or trade mark infrengments. This is a great idea, but the legality would worry me.

In Toronto they had Regional T-Shirts. $7 American, $10 Canadian. They had FIRST Canadian Regional (or something like that, I loaned mine out and haven’t received it back yet) written on the front, and on the back they had all the team #s and names. Pretty nice!

Strategy Head
Team 229 - Clarkson University

*Originally posted by Carolyn Duncan *
** What about the bumper stickers that were talked about on the boards before? Is anyone still planning to design one or have them printed up? I’d really like one… **

Look here and here

My own design!

*Originally posted by JVN *
**In Toronto they had Regional T-Shirts. $7 American, $10 Canadian. They had FIRST Canadian Regional (or something like that, I loaned mine out and haven’t received it back yet) written on the front, and on the back they had all the team #s and names. Pretty nice!

Strategy Head
Team 229 - Clarkson University **

Well it makes sense that they would have FIRST merchandise available at the first International regional if nowhere else besides Florida.

I get a feeling FIRST lost money on the Glo-Dog stuff because at least IMHO it was low quality, and they didn’t have much that DIDN’T glow. (I had a problem with the 2000 disney shirt when I accidentally wore it on a day I was working in the photography darkroom :wink: )

If they do have something at Nats… anyone volunteering to pick a shirt up for me? :wink: Looks like that one day at VCU was my only competition for the year. :frowning: Especially now with gas prices starting to sky rocket…

~ lora

Elgin, I like them. I prefer the first one with more info on it to the other one, but both are really great. Are you going to have any more at nationals with you? I’ll buy one from you! Name your price.
Lora, I’ll figure out a way to get you something.