Broadcasts today

I have a doubt, the training days like today are transmitted by blue alliance?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

You might see some feeds come live before the end of the day today.

Keep an eye on your favorite webcast aggregate site.

Once the feeds actually go live, they’ll be available at

Just hover over “Webcasts” in the top-right and drag a regional down into one of the boxes.

We’re not in control of the actual webcasts themselves. We just pull them into one location.

for now is only the passing game animation … what time it starts?

According to the schedule on the FLR website (which I’m sure is subject to change), they should be starting practice matches now.

However, some regionals don’t start webcasting until Friday. It’s entirely up to the team/group/individual running the stream. It might start soon, it might start in 3 hours. Nobody knows except the broadcaster.

I wish I had a better answer for you, since I’m waiting to see some robots myself.


None of the webcast aggregates (WFN, TBA, TRA) are actually broadcasting this week, we are all just providing a site where you can easily find the broadcasts. Whoever is in charge of broadcasting the regionals will get it up and working before tomorrow (hopefully).

Hope this helps

Judging from this page (the comment and the schedule), FLR probably won’t start until Friday.

And Granite State definitely won’t start until Friday.

okay, thank you! I can only wait and see if it really will be broadcast some play today! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Palmetto will be webcast at
But it is not up now that I can see, oh well back to work!

Any one knows where is the hub city regional going to be stream?? I know is a new regional but I have it has a stream.

It looks like Finger Lakes is at least streaming the pit area right now. Not sure if we’ll see matches after lunch.

List of webcast aggregation sites:

The feed has a caption that says that they won’t do any match coverage until 8:30 on Friday. :frowning:

Oh well. :frowning: At least Friday will be action-packed. Hopefully the rest of the regionals will have a webcast surface, too.

Don’t count out FLR matches yet!!! They’re showing the field now. I think we’ll be able to see some practice matches today.

Lies. They’re flipping between the pits and the field. I know cause I just saw an HP struggling with his frisbee chute jamming. Also, someone should tell them their banner at the bottom is extremely annoying. I don’t think they need to brand the webcast so boldly that you can’t see match scores or anything.

If you know of a webcast that is not available on TBA GameDay, please let us know!