I have an old O/I (from a p-basic kit) And when we power it up the power led goes on green and the no data/radio goes on red. The small screen says 68.8. And thats it. It doesnt work. Dosnt comunicate with with the RC (channels are the same) doesnt respond to any input (all of the dip-switches are right) when you press the select button the 68.8 doesnt change. Its basicly dead. Now, looking at it it looks very much like a software (firmware?) issue. So, 1) does anybody know how to do a factory reset? or has anybody opened one up? Is it flashed on there? can we re-flash it?
We arent going to send it in to get repaired, cause we arent going to spend the money, so really we are willing to try anything (nothing to lose).
Not being a programming person, I can’t really help you, but I believe IFI keeps many if not most or all of the old docs on their website.
Or, you could call IFI up, explain your problem and they might have a quick fix for you. And if they say, “you’ll have to send it in” just say “Thank you, we will think about it.”
More info would help. Did you check the fuses? Is it a 3 or 4 digit display? Does it dashboard? Does it seem to dectect the RC, but the RC not detect it?
As far as re-loading flash, I think your best bet is to open it and try to figure out out proc. is in it.
i would reccommend you not to open the unit up. this will most likely cause damage from static electricity right away. What i would do is contact IFI at [email protected] and explain your problem to them, and try to determine a year issued or model # for the email. From there they pob could send you some help or even the origional firmware package and you might beable to flash it then. Just before you open up any controllers or IFI products, contact them first, you will regret it later if you dont.
Best possible advice, Contact Innovation FIRST. Let them handle it, its the best possible advice. Although I did open up a control system and fixed it, but its a whole lot complicated than you can think.
If you take the O/I apart yourself and try to fix it, it will void any warrenty the part had on it and Innvation FIRST won’t touch it. (I believe the O/I even has little stickers covering the screwholes on the back that say “warrenty void if broken” – correct me if I’m wrong, I haven’t looked an one in quite awhile!)
Yeah, I wouldn’t open up the OI unless IFI tells you to. Now have you tried to test if it works on tether, I assume it wouldn’t though. Just contact IFI and see what they say, maybe they’ll let you download the firmware.
when you get a hold of the company do share with us what they tell you. you never know when one of us might need the information and be able to help someone else with the same problem.
In every piece of IFI equipment that i have had the opportunity to void the warranty on, I have noticed a small 5 pin .1" pinheader. I believe this to be an ICSP header. The number of pins match. ICSP is a standard interface for programming pic microcontrollers in circuit using a programming tool. I strongly believe that this is how they change the firmware. There may also be a second way of programming the OI through the serial port(dashboard) that they are not telling us about. I have not had an opportunity to take apart a 2004 OI but i’m pretty sure that when i do this is what i will find. Actually now i am curious. I wonder if they have enabled code preotection. If not it would be possible to download the firmware from the OI, disassemble it, and hack the OI to do evil things. ::devious grin::