Broken SFX?

I’m trying to get SFX 2.0 working on our computer. This did not happen in the past, maybe because we installed Java 8, but when we try and open SFX, it doesn’t even open. Our programming team has figured out that it needs Java 7 to run, but we are coding in Java 8. When we install Java 7, SFX works but Eclipse does not. Eclipse doesn’t even open. Is there a way for us to get SFX 2.0 working again without switching back to Java 7?

I couldn’t get it working with Java 8 during beta and filed a bug, but there were many other priorities.

It should be working, works for me on Java 8 update 60. Can you post the output of a

java -version

Also the output of

java -jar sfx.jar

(from the tools directory).

Here’s what it printed for me (see artf4769 in the beta tracker)

Using Java 1.8.0_66-b18 and JRuby 1.7.17
NameError: cannot load Java class com.sun.javafx.Logging
          for_name at org/jruby/javasupport/
   get_proxy_class at org/jruby/javasupport/
       java_import at file:/C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-core-1.7.17.jar!/
               map at org/jruby/
       java_import at file:/C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-core-1.7.17.jar!/
            (root) at C:/Users/Joe-XPS13-W7/wpilib/tools/sfx-2014.11.01/sfx.jar!/gems/jrubyfx-fxmlloader-0.4-java/lib/
           require at org/jruby/
           require at /C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-stdlib-1.7.17.jar!/
           require at /C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-stdlib-1.7.17.jar!/
            (root) at C:/Users/Joe-XPS13-W7/wpilib/tools/sfx-2014.11.01/sfx.jar!/gems/jrubyfx-1.1.1-java/lib/jrubyfx/
           require at org/jruby/
           require at /C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-stdlib-1.7.17.jar!/
           require at /C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-stdlib-1.7.17.jar!/
            (root) at C:/Users/Joe-XPS13-W7/wpilib/tools/sfx-2014.11.01/sfx.jar!/gems/jrubyfx-1.1.1-java/lib/jrubyfx/
            (root) at file:/C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-core-1.7.17.jar!/
           require at org/jruby/
  require_relative at file:/C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-core-1.7.17.jar!/
            (root) at C:/Users/Joe-XPS13-W7/wpilib/tools/sfx-2014.11.01/sfx.jar!/gems/jrubyfx-1.1.1-java/lib/jrubyfx.rb:
              load at org/jruby/
            (root) at /C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-stdlib-1.7.17.jar!/
           require at org/jruby/
           require at /C:/Users/JOE-XP~1/AppData/Local/Temp/jruby7266290731767961735extract/jruby-stdlib-1.7.17.jar!/
            (root) at file:/C:/Users/Joe-XPS13-W7/wpilib/tools/sfx-2014.11.01/sfx.jar!/sfx/lib/main.rb:15
error: org.jruby.embed.EvalFailedException: (NameError) cannot load Java class com.sun.javafx.Logging

Joe, was that copied from the tracker? If so, try it again now, SFX was updated in the last week.

Sorry, I missed that. It does work for me now when run from the tools directory. However, the eclipse plugins launch from the old location and don’t work.

We have exactly the same error as Joe Ross. Even when we update SFX and uninstall+reinstall all the NI software, we get the same error. Is there a possible fix for this? We are using Java 8 Update 65.

The correct version of SFX has a sha1sum of the total zip of 347c0ee66cf120adf5bb9a48f426dc0969e82766
and a sha1sum of the internal sfx.jar of c469e52941d0a121907026b0f2bc5d221a516eab.

Running it has a build ID of:
Release/Built? true Version Identifier: jenkins-SFX-42-42-c6c3c5118c391af8bd0faf54c9713f8e89806c6e

Are these the versions you are running? The most recent version is available at

Thank you! It works now. We still had the 2014.11.01 version installed somehow…

There was a bug with the eclipse plugins that Joe fixed via a patch that will be in tomorrows update. Before that it was loading last years version of sfx if it was still installed on your computer. The patch will make it launch this years version.

I was having the same problem until I updated my eclipse libraries and downloaded this year’s sfx and when I run it in the command prompt it works, but upon opening up DS nothing happens. This is the command prompt error I get:

C:\Users\student>java -jar C:\Users\student\wpilib\ ools\sfx.jar
io/console not supported; tty will not be manipulated
Using Java 1.8.0_66-b17 and JRuby 1.7.23
Release/Built? true Version Identifier: jenkins-SFX-42-42 c6c3c5118c391af8bd0faf
WARNING! Double loading detected! Please make note of this if you report bugs!

I’ve gotten the SFX dashboard working in our environment, including grabbing the latest version from the link above. However, the playback feature doesn’t seem to work. When I hit the green triangle button, the screen shifts into playback mode, but the controls for playback don’t appear. Has anyone seen anything similar? There are no errors on the command line. I’m running java 8 on Windows.