If one of the teams that bought a bunch of limelights, is willing to sell one to us, we are very interested. We are a school based team and purchasing restrictions prevented us from getting one before they sold out. I know some teams got more than 5 and we’re just hoping they can help us out.
Thank you
Get a Pixy 2, similar in intuition and is only $50. Not to mention the limelight has a terrible resolution because of how intense the pipeline is.
We have looked at that but our programmers are Juniors who have never done anything like this and we don’t have a mentor for programming. They are good as far as I can tell but I have heard that it is a very difficult process and the Limelight was much, much easier. What are your thought?
Thank you
The first thing that you need to decide is what you want to use your camera for, if you want to do vision processing and use your camera like a sensor limelight is probably your best bet especially without much programming experience. If you just want the camera for your drivers to see during sandstorm their are cheaper options that will provide equivalent results.
Thank you. They had a microsoft camera rigged last year for drivers to use. They are wanting to do vision processing this year to line up with ports and hatches since there is little room for error.
Ensure that you know how you will use this camera data in aligning. Oftentimes that is the most difficult part. If cannot find a Limelight easily available my team is using the Jevois camera (linked below) and will be posting all of our code on our GitHub page.
https://www.jevoisinc.com/ - jevois camera
https://github.com/frc-862 - 862 GitHub page
Thank you. They did look at the Jevois but were concerned it would be too complicated. I know this is difficult to guess, but do you think they could get it working. It would only be to assist with lining up and driving to the target.
But those framerates tho…
There are quite a few examples online without knowing the ability of your programmers it is hard to say , If you do go this route and get stuck let me know and I might be able to point you in the right direction. The Jevois is more work than a limelight but it is cheaper. In general the most difficult part with the jevois is sending the data back to the rio to be used, looking at our vision code from last year you should be able to see a simple example of that.
Either vision option you go with will be quite a learning curve, but you are probably right that limelight will be easier. However if you go with Pixy our team would be happy to help and send any resources you might need. In the past we’ve even done small webcam sessions to help walk teams through the process of vision development.
Our Team 2883 is in the process of trying the Pixy 2 out we got it to work on the computer but have not had any luck on the robot. We are programming in Java and anything you could help us with would be great. We are stuck with the USB, SPI. We would like to use one for vision tracking and perhaps one to track the white tape on the floor if possible.
What do you think?
White tape can be tracked with line followers (ie: IR Sensors). They are fairly cheap and easy to program, litterally only returns a boolean.
According to Brandon, another batch of limelights will be for sale this season, so if you are having difficulty finding a team to sell you one, you aren’t out of luck. Ill make another post here once there are more on the limelight website.
Limelights will be back on sale tomorrow according to Brandon: