Brushes for frisbee pickup

My team is thinking of using brush-ish devices to pick up from the floor. Think spinning cylinders of with surgical tubing attached. We want to transport them up a relatively steep slope. How far apart should we space them, if we want to have a chain of brushes, or what should we use for transporting them from initial capture to hopper.

Build a quick mockup, where it’s easy to adjust these kinds of things. You’ll learn a lot (and find many problems you didn’t see coming), and end up with a much better final system.

We have a very similar idea, but we scrapped it. I mean I don’t want to discourage you, but Frisbees and carpet make for a REAL challenge picking them up. However, for bringing them up I would suggest maybe a belt system with rollers spread out maybe 5-8 in.

Here is what we did