Bryce's Bold Predictions 2017

I wonder if any teams will choose to score low goal simply because the high goal is maxed out on processing capacity and they need somewhere to dump fuel. Unlikely, but possible?

1114 and/or 2056 will score 25% more fuel per match than any robot revealed so far. 2/27/17 (Yes, this includes the Robonauts.)

There will be no stock field ropes on the field for any match after the subdivision quarterfinals at either championship event.

2056 will win the St. Louis Einstein Championship.

There will be robots…

on the field.

That’s a very bold prediction.

Oh shoot, I’m so used to treating autonomous rotors as 20 rather than 60.

In light of that, modifying this such that:

Both Einstein winning alliances will be scoring 140+pt autos.

More divisions will be won by the 6th-8th alliances than the 1st-4th alliances.

I’ll go with no stock field ropes on the field after semis at any event (sans offseasons), and a minimum of 1 non-stock rope in every match of QFs or above.

Let me extend that… 90% of all airships will have at least one non-stock rope.

No more than 200 kPa worth of low goal balls will be scored all season.

Bump that up to 300, and I’m on board.

There will be way more tied matches than in previous years.

Ehh… I could see a middle- or high-seeded alliance at a weak regional getting a second pick who can’t climb and making it to the finals. I wouldn’t put any money on them to win the event, but I think it could happen. Something like a not-so-perennial powerhouse seeds 3, becomes 2 captain and doesn’t find the steal second pick, but beats 7 and then 6 before getting steamrolled (no pun intended) in the finals by 1 and their three (cheesecaked?) climbers.

The team that wins,

Will have scored more points than the other team.

It’s the cheesecake that has me thinking that non-field ropes will be common. Seriously. Climbers could be pretty easy to cheesecake. Ropes, same.

I agree with that much. I can see a situation in which none of the teams on an otherwise decent alliance are cheesecake masters and so a third climber doesn’t get implemented, but you’re making me think hard about it.

You have already lost that bet. 1678 Two Gear Auto

Emphasis mine.

Yes. I’ll go further and say that I expect a fairly standardized cheesecakeable design for a decent floor pickup gear system/velcro climber combo will emerge, which can be built with COTS parts in about an hour.