1014 would like to congratulate 4039, 781 and 4121 for winning the Buckeye Regional. We would also like to thank 27 and 379 for being great alliance partners after we were brought in to replace 706 in the quarterfinals. (706 I hope you figure out the problem before your competition next week.) The finals were without a doubt the most exciting elimination round 1014 has ever been a part of. While the kids were happy with playing well, the emotional roller coaster took its toll. I told them that in a year or two, what they are going to remember is that they were in an amazing match. So congratulations again to the winners and thanks again to our alliance partners.
Team 379 would like to thank teams 27, 706, and 1014 for a great showing at this years buckeye regional. It definitely was an emotional roller coaster during the playoffs. We worked together very well, on and off the field, but each of our robots had their issues at the end.
Congratulations to teams 4039, 781, and 4121. You all played great throughout the playoffs.
27, I really enjoyed being a part of your alliance! I felt that we worked very well together, especially when it came to strategy. You have a great team, and great robot. I wish you the best of luck this season. Thank you.
1014, thanks for filling in for 706! You guys were a perfect fit for our alliance and you went out there and did everything you said you could do. It was very much appreciated.
706, It was a very difficult decision, we were giving up a high goal shooter who could hang. You had a great robot, I wish you guys the best of luck and I hope you find your issue.
I am currently in the process of uploading whatever videos we have from the competition. Just a warning, most of the video focuses on our side of the field. I would love to find some full field match footage of the playoffs if anyone has it.
MakeShift would like to thank all the organizers and volunteers at the 2016 Buckeye Regional.
We congratulate every one of the teams in attendance for making this a fun and exciting event. It was great to meet and play with teams we do not normally encounter.
We extend our sincere congratulations to our friends at 1676 for their well-deserved Chairman’s win.
To the 7th seed alliance of 27/379/706/1014, we take our hats off to you. Battling through robot issues and robot swap-outs as you knocked out the strong second and third seeded alliances was impressive. You pushed us to the brink and each of the finals matches could have gone either way.
Thanks to our alliance partners 781 and 4121. Knights, among all the great robots available as first picks we were counting on your quick cycles and assistance in weakening the tower. You guys remained calm during robot repairs and did not disappoint on the field. Vikings, you made this alliance work with your tough defense and conscientious attention to field position and the clock. We’ll be cheering for you in St. Louis!
The Metrobots were rooting for our sister team as soon as we realized they would be stepping onto the field as a back up robot. I honestly couldn’t have been happier if my team had been in the same situation as yours.
Thanks much Cog. And congrats on a well earned Engineering Inspiration award. We would also like to thank 4085, who came over en masse to cheer with us.
379, our drive team really enjoyed driving with you. In that last match when our articulator finally succumbed to too many impacts you didn’t miss a beat in swapping defenses with us to breach. And 27, your defense was excellent and you had all around excellent driving and strategy. Winning would have been awesome, and it’s a bummer that this is our only regional this year, but it was an amazingly enjoyable competition.
Thanks! Our team was thrilled to see you guys again! Congrats to you and your alliance on the much-deserved win!
Ask and you shall receive. Team 1676’s full-field footage of all of the qualification and elimination matches has now been posted on our YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPUJJPXRAlET68iv8qCxuXBPAPZ9NtyaN. We have also submitted all of our videos to their respective match pages on The Blue Alliance (Saturday’s videos should show up as soon as TBA approves them). Our footage of both Friday’s and Saturday’s Award Ceremonies are also uploaded and in that playlist. Enjoy, and thanks so much to all of the teams and volunteers for a great competition this past weekend!
Thanks 1676!!
Congrats to the winning alliance of teams 4039, 781, and 4121 from team 706. You all had an amazing performances in every match. Good luck in St. Louis!
Also thank you to team 27 and 397 and everyone else that helped us with our robot issues, especially all of the FIRST volunteers. We hopefully have it fixed and are ready for this week’s regional in Wisconsin. And to team 1014, outstanding performance in the matches where you filled in for us.
We all had a great time cheering for our alliance and sharing in the heat of the competition. We were so happy to be a part of this year’s finals matches.
Good luck to all teams!
Team 4121 would like to congratulate the alliance of 27/379/706/1014. Your teams were true champions overcoming adversity to fight your way through to the finals matches.
Thank you to our alliance partners 781 and our team captain 4039. Though finals is a whirlwind, each of you were the epitome of calm and cool with timely repairs, a clear gameplan and a shared appreciation for duct tape. It was our pleasure to be honorary Canadians for the day!
Our team learned a great deal from both of you in a short time! We will be rooting for you both in St. Louis.
Team 4039, thank you for your compliments. We were honoured to be your first pick. That was a pretty sick high goal auto you ran too.
Team 4121, thank you for playing great defense (as human player, that’s where I was looking). You provided us with reliability in the back as well as a robot that could cross defenses and challenge the tower.
We couldn’t have won without the slick behind-the-scenes collaboration that we were all a part of.
To the alliance of 27/379/706/1014, you provided us with a great challenge, and we are having honoured to have played you all. I wish you all the best.
To all the other alliances that we played on our route to the Finals, thank you for the challenge. I wish you all the best next time.
706 did find the issue and get second place at Wisconsin. Our last match we ran into a similar issue and lost. But getting second twice and winning two awards at Wisconsin with all our struggles, shows more than if we won with no contest.
Here are details of our issues: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93536&highlight=706