Buddy Climb?

Potential buddy climb method for the deep cage where two robots of the same team climb on different sides to balance it out and make the climb much easier?


haven’t found anything against it.

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You need to contact a cage to gain points, totaly possible.


6.5.2 ROBOT Scoring Criteria
To qualify for CAGE points, a ROBOT must be contacting a CAGE

maybe 1678 2019 style, where the robots bend inwards to touch?

36 point endgame sounds crazy, i’m excited to see which team decides to go for buddy climb and win every match.


Doesn’t look like it’s illegal, so you probably can as long as the other criteria are met. Maybe that’s how you can get every bot to deep climb, lol.

Its possible, but its not reliable tbh. You have to be on an alliance with another buddy climber. Unless you can pull off both with and alone is it really worth it?

(Or most of frc can somehow decide to do buddy climb lol)

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I was thinking something like 2960 2019 would work where you flip yourself over

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Touching the chain is a penalty so its unlikely this will work. And even if it does work, you would get more points by cycling more over a buddy climb because buddy climbs are slow and solo climbs are fast.

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Bad drawing, but a concept?

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wall drawing is crazy.

I like this design, i think the weight of a second robot would be hard to cantilever to get the deep score.

can’t wait to get blasted by 1678 on Einstein when they run this.

Another thing to consider is that the buddy climb is that it depends on another robot, now if you want to make a best robot possible relying on random teamates during quals is somthing to consider, also if one bot fails or falls the other bot falls.

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def something interesting to think about!! i’ve seen several other people mentioning buddy climbs, but i think it’ll have to be something discussed between alliances rather than that being your surefire strategy. on the note of balancing the cage to make the climb easier— i think that would be really difficult to execute correctly each time.

i thought about triple buddy a bit more, and it may be worthwhile for a robot to only do a triple buddy.

A triple buddy climb is worth 36 points. a team can also get 3 points from mobility in auto. having your robot play defense the entire match, and then go for triple buddy climb will net your alliance 39 points.

To reach 39 points with coral alone, you’d need to score 1 coral in auto and then an additional 6 coral.

I think there’s a valid triple buddy climb + defense strat here, as having a great defense bot will significantly hinder the opposing alliance (most teams will probably score coral, so you lock half the field up).

This may be something to design to run at dcmp/champs, but it could alter gameplay enough to warrant a high pick (there will be loads of great teams at champs, so a strat could be to go defense first and then pick an offensive team).

The trouble with triple buddy climb is you need to rely on your teamates to not mess up