Build fails when uploaded over radio wirelessly and RoboRIO can't be pinged

I have been trouble shooting this problem for around a total of 3 hours. Here is what I’ve found out:

Ultimately, the problem is that the code will fail to run and be deployed to the roboRIO wirelessly.

Computer > USB > rio works
Computer > Ethernet cable > radio > Ethernet cable > rio works
Computer > wireless connection > radio > Ethernet cable > Rio fails.

After uploading the code through a wired connection, I am able to control the robot wirelessly through the radio.

The comm light and the light on driver station are both green in all three situations.

I am able to ping the roboRIO in the first two, but not the third.

I have tried multiple laptops, but I have not tried multiple rios or radios. I will possibly be able to test a different radio and then a different Rio tonight.

I first tried to reinstall Java to the radio, because that seems like it might have been the problem. It didn’t fix it. I flashed the radio with new firmware and reconfigured it. Problem still persists. I have tried both a static and dynamic ip address on the laptop.

I am at a loss. Any suggestions?

Reconfigure your radio once more.
Use the home Radio Configuration Tool, but
Uncheck BW Limit, before configuring your radio.

Thank you so much!! This worked!! I have been trying to fix this for two weeks. Thank you!!