Build Season Comics

Hey everybody! This is my first post here on Chief Delphi as well as my rookie year here in FRC on FIRST Team #341 Miss Daisy (I’m doing my homework! :D)

I draw a webcomic called Polarized Pictures that is fairly young at this point, and I decided to give build season its own little place in my comic. In other words, I draw comics about stuff that happens with Miss Daisy during this wonderful back-breaking 6 weeks. There are currently 4 comics related to Robotics at this time, but comics will be posted once a week usually on Saturday or Sunday.

The comics start here: There are other comics, but they are not FIRST-related, but you are welcome to read those as well.

One more thing: these comics are based upon events and experiences in FIRST Team #341’s shop, and I try my best to make the comics understandable by everyone who reads them and not just FRC people. I’ve received positive feedback from both team members and non-team members, and it was suggested to me to post them here by my head coach who also enjoyed them.

(Omigosh this post is getting really long…I should wrap this up) So I hope you enjoy these comics. If you would be so kind enough to leave feedback in the website in the comments section that would be most appreciated by me and my admin :smiley:

And if you’ve read this far, you’re awesome~!

I really liked the atomic bomb and the flamethrower comics, but the others were not as appealing to me.

Clever! Keep it up.
Very reminiscent of Goats.

I’m not a fan of the drawing style, but I definitely have to give you props for doing something different.

On the other hand, I’m a big fan of the way the story is told. Each comic is funny and unique. If I can remember, I will be checking out more of the comics in the future.

I loved your comics because they effectively tell a story. As you keep writing, you’ll fall into a native style, which will add character to your strips.

Here’s a new comic! Click here to view!

I’m pretty sure everyone has had this kind of conversation when talking about FIRST and FRC :wink:

Thanks to everyone who’s read and commented on the comics. Your feedback is really appreciated a lot!

New comic!

This one is a bit more “inside” for the members of FIRST Team #341, but it’s a really good way to have fun in the shop!

I laughed at the end of each of your strips. Good show!

I like this latest one quite a bit.

New comic time! :smiley: Thanks to all you guys who are commenting and reading. It means a lot to me!

Read it here!


If Dean were to see this comic, I think I would VERY HAPPY. If you guys can halp out in any way, that would be AMAZING. :smiley:

I was actually thinking of having a webcomic involving my robotics team, but you beat me to the punch. :stuck_out_tongue: Ah well.

I say you should still go for it! It’ll be interesting to know what kind of stuff happens with other teams.

Shipping day has come and pass, but as sad as we are from saying goodbye to our robots, we’ll be itching to get the competitions going! As Miss Daisy would say, “IT’S GAME TIME!

The team members of Team #341 would like to wish all you other teams good luck with your future competitions, and maybe we’ll run into some teams at the Florida Regionals! :wink:

yay dave i love 'em! though bearding skills? hahah they may need some work. ;p

Well, here’s the last of the build season comics. BUT. That only means it’s time for the competitions! :wink:

Good luck to all the other FRC teams out there, and Team #341 wishes you the best this year and the next!