Bumer hight?

Hello everybody, this is team 3339 and we have a question.

As we read the manual over and over again, we fail to find a suitable answer for: What is the bumper hight from the floor?
I read a thread about it, yet i failed to understand, can someone help?

Many thanks, team 3339 “BumbleB”

There is already a thread about this here. Please search before you post, and look more thoroughly through the manual, because it is in fact in there. Have a good 2012 season!

-The Robot must have a Frame Perimeter that is comprised of fixed, non-articulated structural elements of the Robot.
-The Frame Perimeter of a Robot is defined by the outer-most set of exterior verticies on the Robot that are within the Bumper Zone, which is between 2 and 10 in. from the floor. -Minor protrusions no greater than ¼ in. such as bolt heads, fastener ends, and rivets are not considered part of the Frame Perimeter.
-To determine the Frame Perimeter, wrap a piece of string around the Robot at the level described in [R02]. The string describes this polygon.

This means that the bottom of the bumpers must be no less than 2 inches from the floor and the top must be no more than 10 inches from the floor.