Bumper Attachment

We are looking to attach our bumpers using bolts that would screw in from the outside (noodle side) of the bumper into our frame. The bolts would be recessed between the noodles and not protrude in any way that could contact another robot or field element. I didn’t see any rule that would prohibit this - does anyone else see any reason this may be illegal?

Hard parts extending beyond 1" from the frame perimeter, maybe–do some careful measuring. If I was to do something like that, I’d anchor the bolt heads in the plywood (maybe using recesses) and use wingnuts inside the frame for quick but secure attachment.

This has been enforced unevenly over the years, and merits a direct Q&A response for clarification. I am optimistic that the GDC will allow it, if specifically asked.

The relevant phrase in R24-D of this year’s rules is “The cloth must completely enclose all exterior surfaces of the wood and pool noodle material when the BUMPER is installed on the ROBOT.” Would your penetrations through the cloth satisfy this?

See also R24-B, and the requirement to construct per Figure 4-4, in particular the hard part limit.

Thanks, that is what we have done in the past, but real estate inside the frame is at a premium and it can be difficult and time consuming to change bumpers. We are going to pose the question to the Q&A system to see what they say.