we are trying to figure out the rules for the dimensions of the bumpers. does it have to be 8 inches of bumper or up to 8 inches. Our robot design has the ball rolling into the frame of the bot about 6 inches in. and we were worried we might not be able to do that if we need 16inches of bumper. help please!
Team 2961 Washington DC P. L. Dunbar SHS :deadhorse: 4th year team
Robots are required to use Bumpers to protect all exterior vertices of the Frame Perimeter. For adequate protection, **at least 8 in. **of Bumper must be placed on each side of each exterior vertex (see Figure 4‑1, Figure 4‑2, and Figure 4‑3).
You need 8 inches (or more) of bumper on either side of each vertex. If you have a U robot with an opening in the front, you’ll have 8 inches of bumper on each side of your front edge, and you need support on both ends - you can’t just have 2 inches of bumper hanging into your opening with no support behind it.
Our interpretation is that there should be no less than 8 inches of bumper on each end of each side. so if you have your frame at 27 * 37 and the hole is on your 27 side, then the hole will be 11 inches wide. The ball is 8 inches wide which gives you a few inches on each side. If you have a wide frame then your hole can be 21 inches wide…
We are in a similar situation. We have a U with only 6 inches of frame to cover on each side of our robot. Have you found any further clarification anywhere? We are now concerned that our robot is out of compliance, however, I do not see any rule that says our frame has to have certain dimensions other than not being too long.
Bumpers must be supported by the structure/frame of the Robot (i.e. each end of the Bumper must be rigidly attached to the Frame Perimeter, the gap between the backing material and the frame must not be greater than ¼ in. and no section of Bumper greater than 8 in. may be unsupported). See Figure 4‑7.
Seems to me that your bumper configuration would be illegal with 2" on either front bumper unsupported. An easy way around this would be to add a small piece of angle to the frame to make it two inches longer and attach to that.
But you might find that even with the bumper in the way, your robot will still be able to get balls that the bumper drives over…if the bumpers are up as high as they can be, and are covered with the suggested type of heavy cordura cloth.
So you might think about trying to make a wider “funnel” behind and below the bumper, to help you get the balls to where they need to go.
Where was it in the rules that it says that both ends of the bumpers must be supported by the frame perimeter. I just need to know where this rule is, not really saying it doesnt exist.
[R33]. Bumpers must be supported by the structure/frame of the Robot (i.e. each end of the Bumper must be rigidly attached to the Frame Perimeter, the gap between the backing material and the frame must not be greater than ¼ in. and no section of Bumper greater than 8 in. may be unsupported). See Figure 4?7.
This was added in Update 1, I think (either that or 2).
Rule <R33>, was added in in a Team Update (I forget which one)
Bumpers must be supported by the structure/frame of the Robot (i.e. each end of the Bumper must be rigidly attached to the Frame Perimeter, the gap between the backing material and the frame must not be greater than ¼ in. and no section of Bumper greater than 8 in. may be unsupported). See Figure 4‑7.