Hi All, taking a year off from Bumper making was lovely last year. We forgot how much of a headache it can be to make our own bumpers. Looking for suggestions for keeping the paint on the fabric. We used fabric spray paint but it just bleeds through the fabric. We are trying to be as resourceful as possible by not using up too much of our budget with outsourcing this. Any suggestions would be HELPFUL! Thanks
Oh bumpers! My favorite… My team doesn’t outsource when it comes to bumper either. In the past, we have used stencils as a rough outline while using actual paint (we used a can from Home Depot). However, make sure whoever is painting them has a steady hand and can do free hand if needed because the stencils are just a guideline and will not stop paint from running into other areas of the bumper and ruining your numbers. Also, I recommend using a small brush. I hope this helps! We are facing the task of painting bumpers next weekend, so hopefully all goes well!
Thanks! We just tried Plan B which we forgot could be an option… our heat press! I think we are in Bumper Business!
Iron on numbers are easier/simpler/better/cleaner/stronger/clearer/more creative/sharper in every way I can think of.
It looks like something went wrong with that number. The eyes shouldn’t peel like that. Make sure you have enough pressure to get a good bond. Sometime if pressure isn’t an option, you can play with temperature to compensate.
Our first run… forgot to read the directions for the dark transfer which was different then the light transfer and we were suppose to peel it first… OPPS! We did do a test piece but didn’t have time before end of today to cut out all the numbers again…
We ordered the cool iron on numbers from Robo promo. One of our members has a heat press and, for $80 we figured it was worth the profesional look.