I know people have been freaking out over an issue with bumpers, and I just discovered our team has the same problem. Using the frame and 8" rubber threaded wheels that came with the KOP, our bumpers, when attached to the frame, are 3" above the ground.
Are any other teams having this same problem? How are you solving it?
One of my students is thinking of adding a second layer of robot frame that is an inch higher than the old frame, and then mount the bumpers on THAT frame. I’m posting this second question only because he keeps pestering me about it. The logic doesn’t make sense because is the bumper is on this “outer layer” then either A: we have some lower frame perimeter exposure or B: if the bumper covers both inner and outer layers, then isn’t the bumper once again 3" off the ground?
HELP PLEASE! I’m the only mentor for the team, I’m new, and am completely losing my mind! I got these logins from the old mentor who left the school.
Not sure about what your actual robot design looks like, but you most likely should be able to simply make mounts that are offset 1" from the top of your frame so you can mount the bumpers there. Just make sure it’s strong.
You need to have something solid up high enough so you can mount your BUMPERS to it and they will be between 4 and 12 inches from the ground.
You could create a second-layer frame that was higher up so you can mount the BUMPERS to it. Or you could have posts attached upwards from your current frame every so many inches and mount the BUMPERS on the higher posts.
If you decide on a second higher level frame, remember that the FRAME PERIMETER is measured at the outermost parts of your ROBOT in the BUMPER ZONE, that slice of real estate 4 to 12 inches from the ground. Attaching your second frame could make the FRAME PERIMETER get larger - be sure you don’t exceed 120" around.
Yes, you’ll be able to see some of your original structure below the BUMPERS, but so what? There’s also a lot of ROBOT structure above the BUMPERS. The reason for the BUMPER ZONE is so that everyone’s BUMPERS are at a similar height, so that ROBOT to ROBOT contact will be via the BUMPERS. (Except for any contact with an appendage; and if that happens, you need to make sure you don’t contact the other ROBOT illegally and rack up FOULS and CARDS.)
The logic doesn’t make sense because is the bumper is on this “outer layer”
It is on the UPPER layer, not the OUTER layer. Unless, you are saying that the upper layer is also outside of the current frame perimeter.
we have some lower frame perimeter exposure
no rule against that.
if the bumper covers both inner and outer layers, then isn’t the bumper once again 3" off the ground?
If the bottom of the Bumper is 4" off the ground, then it is fine (assuming the top is no higher than 12" off the ground). The issue is the height of the Bumper, not the height of the frame backing the bumper.