I would like to ask are we allowed to apply pressure on our own bumper. The pressure would be a bi-product of the bridge lowering, an appendage would lower the bridge. If any details are unclear than feel free to ask.
Thank you very much,
Matthew Ben-Shoshan
Team 2230
Not really sure what you are asking. The bumpers need to be in the bumper zone & the attachments more than an inch into the zone.
Pushing / pressing on other objects is governed by the game rules but generally that is what the bumper are for. Using the bumper to push the bridge down is not prohibited that I can see. The ability to do it is another question.
it sounds like you are pushing the bridge down and it might get pinched between the bumper and the appendage? This should be fine as long as all of the bumper rules and appendage rules are followed. Basically as long as you bumper doesn’t fall off, and remains in the zone and is not articulated, it sounds fine.
There’s a 1" limit outside the frame perimeter for bumper hard parts (3/4" plywood, along with hardware of various types). Note that this is only for bumper hard parts, not robot frame hard parts.
I think these rules may cover what you are asking…
Robots may not grab, grasp, grapple, or attach to any Arena structure. (Robots may push or react against any
elements of the Arena that is not protected by another rule.)
Violation: Foul
Robots may not become entangled in the Arena elements.
Violation: May be disabled and will not be freed until after the Match has finished.
Robots may not damage any part of the Arena, including Basketballs.
Violation: Potential Disablement if the Head Referee determines that further damage is likely to occur. Corrective action (such as eliminating sharp edges, removing the damaging mechanism, and/or re-Inspection) may be
required before the Robot will be allowed to compete in subsequent Matches.
Contact between your robot and the field is an expected result during competition play much as contact with other robots is expected.