If we cut out the front of our frame perimeter so it’s just 4" on each side, do we need 6" of bumpers or can we just fully cover the corners with 4" of bumpers? Cheers
R24. ROBOTS are required to use BUMPERS to protect all outside corners of the FRAME PERIMETER. For adequate protection, at least 6 in. (~16 cm) of BUMPER must be placed on each side of each outside corner (see Figure 8 2) and must extend to within ¼ in. (~6 mm) of the FRAME PERIMETER corner.
You must have a minimum of 6 inches of frame backing 6" of bumper on each side of any external corner. Additionally, under R33, each end of every bumper segment must be supported by the frame.
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Thanks, my team was having some trouble finding it.