My mentor is saying that we need to bolt the plywood for our bumper within 1 inch from the corner of our robot. We are using the standard frame but I cannot find a rule that says it has to be within 1 inch from the corner. Is what he is saying true? How close do you have to bolt the plywood to the corner of the robot for the bumper?
On the FIRST website they have the updated manuals. An easy search under the Robot section and clicking on the bumper rules found these rules.
[R33] Bumpers must be supported by the structure/frame of the Robot (i.e. each end of the Bumper must be rigidly attached to the Frame Perimeter, the gap between the backing material and the frame must not be greater than ¼ in. and no section of Bumper greater than 8 in. may be unsupported). See Figure 4‑7.
[R28] B:hard Bumper parts (e.g. plywood, fasteners, etc) may not extend more than 1 in. beyond the end of the Frame Perimeter(see Figure 4‑4). E: must attach to the Frame Perimeter of the Robot with a rigid fastening system to form a tight, robust connection to the main structure/frame (e.g. not attached with Velcro). The attachment system must be designed to withstand vigorous game play. All removable fasteners (e.g. bolts, locking pins, pip-pins, etc.) will be considered part of the Bumpers.