I am on team 7133 STEAMMakers and was wondering if teams had any tips on reversible bumpers. This will be our first year making our bumpers reversible so if teams have any tips/tricks I could really use them. Thank you.
Google reversible frc bumpers…
If you want to reach out to us through our team website, our bumper guru can probably help with some advice.
My team (5735) has been making reversible bumpers for a long time. It’s very convenient to have one less thing to keep track of during an event
If you have any schematics or tips could you please send me them?
I don’t like them much, mostly because they killed the one time we got the robot, excluding an edge of the bumper cover, hanging from the pyramid in 2013. If you do use them, belt-and-suspenders them. Like anything else outside the frame perimeter, bumpers take a LOT of abuse. Secure them at least twice as well as you think you need to. G22 includes the cover.
I’ve seen teams velcro and use heavy duty snaps to hold the covers in place…
Like I said,
Google reversible frc bumpers :)…
@jbarry987 Hook and Loop not velcro https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=128&v=rRi8LptvFZY
Can be tough, we used them rookie year; we ended up using rivets to keep hook and loop on the bumpers, and colored white Velcro/hook& loop to be red or green, and lots of staples, to keep it together. The next year we opted instead for 2 sets of bumpers, red and blue, the reversibles were just too much work for us to change efficiently. good luck though. hope you have better luck.