BunnyBots 2022

BunnyBots 2022, “Totally Tubular” is coming! In fact the rules will be posted at www.team1540.org/bunnybots Sept 1st. The tournament will be held Saturday Dec 17th at Catlin Gabel School in Portland Oregon.

Now in it’s 13th year, BunnyBots is a fall competition where teams build FRC-class robots for an original, whimsical, game as preparation for the build season to come. That way everyone can make a contribution the instant kickoff happens in January.


The game manual for BunnyBots 2022, Totally Tubular, is now posted at www.team1540.org/bunnybots. Post any questions here. Be sure to subscribe to this thread so you hear about updates (select the Bell icon below.) We’re looking forward to the season to come.

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Will there be volunteers outside of students from Catlin Gabel

BunnyBots is kind of a homecoming event for 1540 alumni who take on all of the volunteer roles. Some have been doing it for over a decade and some this is their first time. It’s a great way to stay in touch with everyone.

Rules updated to 1.01.
Clarification about control added under Robot Rules. It must be immediately obvious to refs and other teams how this limitation is respected. For example, if your robot is carrying around four tubes you can’t merely say “well, we’ll drop one if you push us backwards.” Also, no, you can’t have life forms as bunnies… no living bunnies! No trained tea cup poodles in bunny suits! Finally a clarification that during hybrid robots can go anywhere on the field and interact with other robots as normal.

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Rules updated to 1.1
With the announcement from FIRST that we’ll be transitioning to AprilTags for vision tasks in FRC, the hybrid rules have been modified slightly. Now teams may not completely cross the centerline during hybrid without incurring significant penalties. That way, team’s autonomous efforts with AprilTags are not spoiled by simple defensive scripts of the opposing alliance.

Also penalties no longer subtract from your score but are added to the opposing alliance’s score.

Are AprilTags going to be part of the field or is this just to allow teams to do things like have tags on the driver station?

If teams would like to attach their own AprilTags to the towers they are welcome to, just like any other team vision target. We aren’t making that assumption ourselves because some teams might choose retroreflective tape.

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During hybrid, the rules say a robot may not cross the center line. What about reaching across the top of a tower to place into a tote?

The rules say the robot may not FULLY cross the centerline so reaching over is fine. The rules will be updated to make it clear that reaching over such that it interferes with the opposing alliance’s auto results in a penalty.

Rules updated to 1.11. Robots may not interfere with an opposing robot’s hybrid efforts, even if remaining on their half of the field. Penalty is the opposing robot gets all the hybrid points they are capable of.

This just showed up in the BatlleBots news feed! That’s certainly flattering…

The link is here. Not sure what this means.


Rules updated to 1.2.

Because so many robots this year have weird appendages outside the classical frame perimeter, the frame incursion rules have been loosened to avoid a constant parade of casual frame incursion penalties.

This does mean that teams may want to take additional care to protect delicate parts of their robots.

“Incidental frame incursion is not penalized. Drive train vertically projected frame incursion which affects the ability of the impaled robot to play the game through damage, entanglement, or significant delay will result in a penalty or red card for the team responsible. The referees determine the penalty on a case-by-case basis.”

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Rules updated to 1.21. Bunnies are not allowed to start the match within the perimeter of a scoring tower. This prevents the creative but game breaking strategy of an RC bunny placed on the top or under the tower in the middle of all the crates or scoring area that simply deploys it’s arms or ears to cross into the two crates or scoring areas of its alliance.

Robot Rule #2 states “Bumpers must be constructed generally along FRC techniques”. Does this include needing bumper supports?

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BunnyBots isn’t nearly that picky. So long as your bumper includes two pool noodles nobody is going to worry bout them much. They re optional after all.

Rules updated to 1.22. Bunnies must fit within a 18” cube with their ears and limbs at their resting position. Previously the rules said the bunnies had to fit with their arms and ear fully extended which was discriminatory against long-eared bunnies. That’s contrary to our values and regret this oversight.


I was just informed that our usual pizza vendor is short staffed and won’t be able to sell pizza by the slice at the event. So sorry. Bring your lunch or make other arrangements.

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Rules updated to 1.3. Under penalties:

To avoid damage to the field, robots may not contact in a significant way opposing robots who have frame members extending into a tote. 10 point penalty, more for repeated or sustained activity.

Will either of these qualify as bunnies?

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