Due to the freakishly high coefficient of friction between the bottom of the Uline totes and the carpet, the totes will start the game upside down. In other words their tops will face the floor.
Bunnies may not include retro reflective tape or Apriltags.
We try to avoid changes like this but the intent was that robots could easily push the totes around. It turns out the totes have a traction material on the bottom and are designed NOT to slide! So, we’ll flip them over.
These are just a collection of unsuspecting stuffed rabbits from the Goodwill. They come in different shapes and sizes but generally have bodies in the 9-14” range.
There are a few less conventional bunnies as well, such as these silicone ones from our 2021 “water game”, or Barney masquerading as a rabbit. We’ll also be replenishing the supply for this year, as a portion of bunnies meet an unfortunate demise each year…
Clarification on penalty #4: it says that a robot can’t contact an opposing robot if they are inside the opposing alliance’s loading zone. Does this mean a red robot can’t contact a blue robot if the blue robot is in the blue loading zone, or if the red robot is in the blue loading zone?
Are robots allowed to hit opposing alliance buckets with balls during hybrid? If so will they actually do anything? There’s nothing in the rule book saying we can or can’t.
In the past the Drivers’s Station wall has not typically been the standard style FRC driver station wall with plexiglass. Due to the introduction of flying fuel likely to be coming at the drive team, is the driver station wall this year going to have plexi to protect the drive teams from flying fuel?
Since it is only going to be netting, is there going to be a restriction in terms of the bunnies and a weight limit? Bunnies can potentially be thrown across the field, this strategy was actually discussed by a team at FIRST Fair, and so it seems like while netting might protect against fuel, a large heavy bunny thrown might crash onto a drive station laptop.
The inspector and/or referees will evaluate team provided bunnies to determine if they can be thrown safely by robots. Bunnies that are determined to not be throwable will have a colorful ribbon attached at the event. As a general rule, if they weigh more than a pound or include sharp edges they will not be eligible to be thrown more than a trivial distance by robots. Penalties range from 10 points to a red card.
This year’s BunnyBots game will be using a custom FMS based on Cheesy Arena in order to facilitate the robot disabling game mechanic, so the requirements for the control systems will be much closer to official events than previous BunnyBots. Because of the FMS, teams bringing more than one robot have been assigned a number in the 9970-9999 range for each additional robot. These numbers are available on the published team list. Sometime before the event, you should make sure to update the team number set on your roboRIOs and your driver station settings tab to match. These offseason numbers will be used in the FMS and used with The Blue Alliance, but your team number with a letter suffix will be shown on the stream overlay and rankings display. There will be a field network, and we will have a station to image your regular FRC radios once you arrive at the event, but you should also make sure to image the radios using the assigned team numbers on your secondary robots. Your driver station will also connect to the field network over ethernet, so make sure you have ethernet ports in your driver station, or a working usb to ethernet adapter.
During the match, your robot will be enabled in the autonomous mode at the beginning of the hybrid period, and will be disabled and potentially re-enabled in that mode. Robots will disable briefly between the hybrid and teleop periods, like at real events, and will then be enabled in the teleoperated mode. If disabled through bucket hits later in the match, the robot will be placed in the autonomous disabled (not teleop disabled) mode, but re-enabled in the teleoperated mode. The robots will be set to teleoperated disabled at the end of the match.
In queue, you will be assigned to an alliance station, 1, 2, or 3, which will be associated with your bucket. Station 1 will be on the left, 2 in the middle, and 3 on the right, from the perspective of the drivers. The estop buttons on the tables will be associated with these stations, so your driver station and drive team should be in the station to which you were assigned.
Bumpers and other robot labeling should use the letter suffixes (eg. 1540B), the only things that needs to use the off season demo numbers (9970+) are your roboRIO, radio, and driver station
…and a reminder. Unlike previous Bunnybots, make sure you’ve updated the drivers station and Roborio to the latest versions since there is an FMS. Also, the usual advice applies on the drivers station of turning off auto update and other background applications. We found our school’s virus checker to also be a problem at another off season event.