Posted by Jason, Coach on team #252/254, Bay Bombers/Cheesy Poofs, from Broadway High and NASA Ames.
Posted on 3/6/99 1:31 AM MST
In Reply to: Burning rumors posted by Mike McIntyre on 3/5/99 11:19 PM MST:
This is a fact, FIRST goes to great lengths to make this competition as fair as possible. If it was a 100% sporting event, some things would have to be more stricktly enforced - but it is not. The playing field will never be completely level, but I don't mind that. Some teams will always have better facilities, more money for parts & supplies, more access to workshops & high tech equipment, and so on. This is the nature of the competition.
Would I like my students and other schools like ours to have access to everything I just mentioned? Of course! But that is not reality. Because we don't have all those resources, do other teams have a minor advantage over us? Maybe, I guess. I think it is great that some schools have so much support, money, and resources - it gives other schools something to shoot for, a model to someday have an equivalent program. The purpose of FIRST is to provide students access and experiences with the best science and technology has to offer - and if some schools/teachers/coaches/engineers/companies find ways to provide the most resources possible for their kids...GREAT. I'm happy for those kids. It doesn't mean other less funded schools aren't also having a tremendous, positive, valuable educational experience.
My point is this: it is easy to be envious of schools/teams which have more resources to use than others - good for them and the learning opportunites they provide their students. But if there is one thing wonderful about FIRST, it's that small advantages & inequities such as money, facilities, assistance, and even maybe a little extra time do not automatically guarantee success. Ultimate sucess - as shown by a number of rookie teams with little or no resources at the NASA ames regional last week (Newbridge, Willow Glen, Lincoln, Broadway, Foothill to name a few)is a result of hard work, long hours, creative designs, driver/controller/human player skill, and obviously a certain degree of luck and having the breaks go your way. Every team has a chance in every match, and that makes this competition great.
If any Delphi team had a few extra hours, I don't care. Especially if it was putting on an exhibition to advance the knowledge and/or popularity of FIRST. ALSO, for the amazing abundance of resources the DELPHI teams seem to have - they more than give back to the rest of the field. This website has been an invaluable resource for my team, as I'm sure it has been for others; the Rookie workshop Delphi put on in Manchester was a great help. And the general willingness of DELPHI teams to help any other teams in need is known. Hats off not only to DELPHI, but also to the other Veteran teams who might be regarded to have "advantages" over newer/less funded schools. I know that the schools here in the Bay Area with the experience, facility, & monetary advantages over the new schools have gone out of their way to assist and mentor the new rookie schools as much as they could. Gunn, Palo Alto, Monta Vista, Woodside, Aptos, and others have held mentor workshops, answered questions, helped teams with questions & repairs, and more. If somebody didn't have the extra resources that we don't, than nobody could help us :)
To all those veteran teams, THANK YOU for the assistance you offer, for setting examples for new teams like ours to admire & strive to match, and for sharing your knowledge and resources with the rest of us. My experiences over the past year with FIRST have shown me that it is the interaction between teams, students, & engineers which is by far the most valuable aspect of this program. My students aren’t used to having that sort of positive interaction, especially in an academic setting, with other students. I have seen the effect it has had on them, the stereotypes that have been dispelled, and the increased self-esteem and confidence they now have. I think I see the same sort of impact on many students on many teams. Every team has a part in this, and every one involved should be proud.
GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE. (remember, money & extra time can't buy a trip to the finals: only a good design, hard work, good control, and luck can do that)