This is what happens when two hungry robot nerds start chatting. :rolleyes:
vchittineni: I could use a good burrito right about now
sccfan132: lol
sccfan132: i don’t work at chipotle anymore, so… you’re making me hungry.
vchittineni: sigh
vchittineni: lol
vchittineni: me: get me a burrito woman
vchittineni: brother: I can’t drive yet
sccfan132: haha
vchittineni: I can’t drive either
vchittineni: I turned 16 two weeks ago but still
vchittineni: stupid laws, how hard could it be?
sccfan132: hard
vchittineni: well then, I guess you can guess what my answer is to that problem
vchittineni: build a robot
sccfan132: no borito bro
sccfan132: and build a robot?
sccfan132: to do things?
vchittineni: 8 cim’s per side
sccfan132: nawww…
sccfan132: lol
vchittineni: AM shifters
vchittineni: lol
vchittineni: I could get up there
vchittineni: break 40 mph
sccfan132: hahahaha
sccfan132: make a robotic go-kart, with a wireless camera system
sccfan132: so you won’t have to leave the house
sccfan132: have it send video to you through an EDGE wireless card back to a website
sccfan132: grips to get the food
sccfan132: money/change dispenser
sccfan132: we’ve got ourselves a good idea going.
vchittineni: lol
vchittineni: say, not a bad idea
vchittineni: why go get delicious burritos when I could make a robot to go get the delicious burritos for me!