Bush or Kerry?

Not to cause any problems, but I was just wondering where the rest of Chief Delphi stood on the Presidential Election. This is just for fun so don’t go into a crazy debate on this. All you actually have to do is vote on the poll. There will be 10 choices Republican, Democrat, Independent, other, Bush, Kerry, Nader, Cobb, Badnarik, or Undecided. Just pick two please.

please search…there have been a bunch of posts about this election

There haven’t been any polls have there?

I just wanted to see how many would vote outside their party.

That’s not what the poll is asking, though. It’s asking “out of these ten options, which two will you most likely vote for?” not “are you going to vote outside of your party - yes or no?”

So check these out:

Kerry or Bush and why?
John Kerry: Good, bad, or both?
Women and the draft
Saddam Hussein wants a debate
Should we bomb/strike Iraq?
What is your Favorite Bushism?
Democrat or Republican?
Your thoughts on war
Politics, war, MTV
American “selectiveness”
Iraq Draft

If you take a look at those threads, you’ll notice all of them deal with politics, and all of them are closed. It’s not a coincidence. Most were started with good intention, to find out how people felt about the subject at hand. BUt it turns out, there are just some things that are too hard to discuss on these boards, without the threads turning into flame wars. The threads start out OK, usually, but by the end of the first page or so it starts to get pretty nasty. Another thread on politics is only going to cause problems and will be closed. It’s been tried and tried again, and we just can’t have a civil debate about the subject without flaming or putting someone down.

I’m pretty sure you can descern poster’s political party preference from those threads - if not, try PMing them and asking for a clarification.


I can understand why it is that political discussions are frowned upon in this forum; it’s because they bring to light our differences, which contrast remarkably with the brotherhood of FIRST.

That said, we cannot believe for one second that FIRST can exist in a vacuum. We cannot believe that the rest of the world will see it our way if only we ignore it exists. I became a mentor because I know that the youth of today are our future; and, I believe that the ones from FIRST will lead the way. That is reason enough to believe that political debate on ChiefDelphi is a good thing and should be encouraged. It doesn’t matter that it may turn ugly. What matters is that we learn how it turns ugly and thereby learn to rise above it.

Nobody is saying we can’t have political discussions, they’re just saying they already exist. It’s just friendly reminder to search before you post. :slight_smile:

But, on a side note… Woot! Bush is ahead!

Also, what about the “Schwarzenegger for President” movement? :smiley:

While bringing a few of them to the attention of the thread starter, Katie pointed out a few days ago that practically every thread pertaining to politics has been closed in the past. She also noted correctly that it’s just one of those topics that has started flame wars in the past.

Bush may be ahead in some of the polls, but his double digit lead is down to mid single digits in most polls I’ve seen this morning, and even within the margin of error in a few. A lot of key states for both candidates are very close. My family has recently become involved in a massive nationwide grassroots debtor (as in consumer bankruptcy debtors) campaign. This movement has the possibility to turn out over 100,000 votes (just from people who have filed bankruptcy, not including their friends or family) in a few key states.

As for Schwarzenegger, you should probably wait on him until after he’s completed a term as my governor (not to mention most of his policies don’t match the average republican). Many politically savvy Californians were talking about Gray Davis possibly running for president back in 2001 when he was fighting to get Bush to step in and impose price controls on the energy price gouging by Enron, et al. We all know where that ended up. The moral of that story is “don’t count your chickens before they hatch (especially in politics).”

He should also wait until the constitution is changed to allow non US born citizens to be president :slight_smile:


You are correct, you deserter ;). I was assuming that Dana Rohrabacher’s proposed amendment was passed and ratified. I also assumed that Ryan was talking about that constitutional amendment movement, and not just a “run Arnie” movement.

I’ll make you right-wingers a deal. You take back the 22nd amendment, and we’ll give you foreign-born people who have been citizens for 25+ years. Bill Clinton vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger? Any takers? :wink:

I’ll second that for the Democrats, seems like a fair trade.

I’d like to take that up. But then again I do know how mad Clinton makes Republican. I do live in Kansas. I do also realize how people obsess over celebrities. Do they think they get the same Arnold as they got in jingle all the way?

Okay, I’ll take that. I like well educated effective presidents. And note just because you go to Yale and Harvard does not make you well educated or effective for that matter. Plus I’m really tired of politics centering on ideologies. I always thought that was the things government should stay out of. I really don’t like the growth in bueracacy under current Republican presidents either. I really wonder who pays for that, at least in the long run I think it is the people under 25 who will have to deal with the deficit.

Sounds good to me.

Does anyone here remember when Comedy Central had the movement to give Clinton four more years back in 2000? Given the choices back then (or now, in a way), I’d be very interested to see how that would break down.

Yeah, the only reason I said that thing about Schwarzenegger was I had just read a CNN.com article poking fun at Nadar and the Arnold people. :slight_smile:

I’d definitely have to think about your 22nd amendment offer… :wink:

Eh dont know if i could give you the 22nd amendment, if you look pass it being more then an amendment its more of a tradition. Up till FDR that was never a amendment. George Washington was elected for 2 terms, then when he was up for relection the people came and asked him if wanted to be King and thats when he said he will not run anymore or be king and went and retired. This was tradition all the way up to FDR convincing the people to elect him four times because of the great depression and war. Then after FDR is when we made the 22nd amendment.

Sorry i just had a US government test on Friday and that was one of our essay questions

In my personal opiinion i am in favor of the 22nd amendment, even if its a good president no one should be able to serve more then two full terms. And as for schwarzeneggar i think we should keep it that you have to be a US born

Sorry i was just working on government hw also so that is my $0.02

Just out of curiousity, why?

Its more that i dont have anything against him. ITs the fact that it would take a ratification of the Constitution which is very hard and takes up resources. To ratify the constitution it takes a 2/3 vote of the Congress and if it gets out of there then it has to go to the states for a 3/4 votes and i just dont see it happening

I don’t necessarily agree that just because it is difficult to add a new amendment, then we should keep it the way that it is. I’m sitting here next to my box of 500 constitutions (don’t ask) and looking at some great amendments we have that went through that exhausting process…I may be slightly biased to the 19th being my favorite. Whether something should change should be a matter of how pertinent and important it is to a country, and the pros and cons of the issue; not how logistically difficult it is. If it is important enough, change will happen, as it has 27 times (well more like 18 times since the bill of rights was one bulk package and then there were 17 more amendments).

Moreover, who ever said politicians today aren’t ready for a good fight on amendments? It may be just used as a wedge issue but enough Republicans have been fighting to make the Federal Marriage Amendment a front and center topic. The difficulty of making this an actual amendment, coupled with overwhelming opposition (myself being one), didn’t stop them.

This isn’t a post advocating or protesting the citizenship requirement for the Presidency. That’s another time, another thread. I guess to tie this back into the original topic of the thread, my message is don’t stop fighting for something just because you don’t think you can make a difference or it’s difficult, especially in this election. Whether you live in a blue state, a red state, a swing state…whether you’re a Kerry, Bush, or even Nader supporter…whether you can or cannot vote…it’s always important to learn about the issues, get active, and make your voice be heard.

i Def agree with you on everyone makes a difference. I def learned that in 2000 in Florida. This election i am out campaigning for the candidate that i want to win. I encourage everyone to learn the issues and make there decscion. The worste thing i think someone could do is not know the issues and vote for someone becasue thats who there parents voted for.

As my government professor said this could be the biggest election in history.
Let me explain his logic why and after hearing it i also agree with him.

As everyone knows there is 9 supreme court justices and when you are approved for the supreme court the term is for life. Well within the next four years one has already said she will retire (dont remember her name) and there are few that are well into age that might not make it to the next election. So if you put two and two together there is basically a possiblity of 4-5 vacant spots in the supreme court. Now since the president appoints these people whoever is in office is going to pick from there party. So if the assumption is correct at the end of four years in the supreme court we could have total switch of power. Please correct me if i am wrong but i am pretty sure the supreme court is democratic as of now. So now if this does happen the way things have been decided will totally change if a republican is president So please everyone if you can vote learn the issues and vote.

*NOTE: i will not say who i am in favor for becasue that debate should not be for Chiefdelphi. I did vote on the poll tho.