Button mapping in robotContainer.java gone wrong (REAL)

Heya there! So, i’ve been finishing up some button mapping before we test our robot. However, upon assigning a button to a certain function it proceeds to be non functional to summarize it.

.a() //this is the part that is not functioning

The method a(EventLoop) in the type XboxController is not applicable for the arguments ()Java(67108979)

You need to make m_operatorController a CommandXboxController object instead of just an XboxController object

Sure! Let me try that. Thanks.
Yea it works, now I have a new issue.

//this one is not functioning .whileTrue(

The method whileTrue(Command) in the type Trigger is not applicable for the arguments (void)Java(67108979)

m_shootingOrIntaking.intaking() needs to be a command factory method that has a return type of Command.

Thank you so much! It works as intended now. Have a great day.

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