We are looking for any and all Falcon 500’s that teams are looking to offload. Name your price and let me know how many you have, we can take care of shipping.
Recently, we moved into a new space and have seemed to misplace some of our motors (Neo’s and Falcon’s) that should be somewhere but are unable to locate them right now. We have purchased some Kraken’s but they aren’t shipping for a few weeks still.
Thank you and I hope you have a great Crescendo Build Season!
Just to let you know Falcons may be out of stock permanently, along with the many many QC issue’s, ethical ones aside. Be weary about using them! Especially because you wont be able to replace them!
Yeah, we know that. We just want something to get us by for now until Kraken’s come in and can swamp them out if we need to. Thanks for the insight, though!