Buying any RoboRIO

Hi Teams,

Does any team that is going to compete at HOUSTON Championship is interested in sell a WORKING RoboRIO, my team is interested in buying a used one because a new is very expensive ><, if your team want to sell one, contact me here or by e-mail, [email protected]:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If you can’t find a used one to buy, you should be able to “borrow” one from Spare Parts.

To be clear, were you looking at the price on NI’s website for the general public, or the price on AndyMark’s website for FIRST teams? $435 is certainly not chump change, but since it’s less than half of the general public price and a fifth of the industry price I figured it’s worth making sure. :slight_smile:

(Also, in case this is relevant: AM orders by Thursday (and maybe Friday, depending on timing, but play it safe and go with Thursday) can be delivered to your pit in Houston for free.)

(Full disclosure, I work at AndyMark.)