Buying Carpet in the PNW

Team 7461 is looking for a half field carpet for drive/auto practice. We were wondering if there are any nearby teams in the Pacific Northwest with extra carpet, or if anybody knows of any suppliers with good deals on FRC carpet. Thanks!

Where in the PNW are y’all located?

Redmond WA!

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That place… is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is.

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We work in out of a makerspace in Bellevue, Washington if that helps.

Infinitely. Even if it’s only because you’re five miles closer to Ivar’s Smoke Salmon House. I ate there once in 1989, and it got me started smoking meats. My Aunt Mary, who lives in the Seattle area and brought me and a bunch of my co-workers there, looked forward to my salmon [as well as turkey and pork] at thanksgiving for at least a decade before the annual family reunion sort of dissolved.