Buying Parts

Well, I might not have enough time before Atlanta to order a CIM online and receive it before Tuesday, when we leave for Atlanta. It is the only part that I can’t pick up in the Southern California Area.

Can we buy one at Atlanta? I would assume so, but since we have never gone before, I figured it would be best to ask! I’m not even sure if we need one yet, because our device isn’t made yet… I know you can trade in bad parts for new ones, but we wouldn’t have a bad CIM to trade with.



  1. If you do next day delivery, then the CIMs should come the next day, if not, then at least day 2.

  2. Secondly, most teams do have extra CIMs, such as us. Ask politely and you shall receive.

You might be able to get it shipped in time if you buy it soon. I know we’ve received parts very quickly from AndyMark. In the past we have also contacted our hotel and asked if we could ship something to the hotel and they were able to hold it. You might be able to ship directly to the hotel and it’ll be there when you arrive. But I still think you have time to order one, it shouldn’t take more than a week.

We have plenty of old cims. If you need one of those, we are bringing some with us to atlanta (we are also bringing some new ones), stop by 1323’s pit and ask for one.

It would be a pretty safe bet that someone will give you one there, but you can increase the odds by finding a team that is definitely going and can definitely give you one.

I will check if we have a spare; I believe we do. If so, consider it yours. I’ll let you know either way Thursday.

If another team definitely has one to give before I get back to you, well, that would be just GP…

If you (or anyone else) wishes to buy parts from AndyMark and have them delivered to your team in Atlanta, we can do that.

If you wish to do this, please let us know when placing the order (in the comments area) and we will omit the shipping charges.

CIM Motors are definitely available.

Andy Baker

Andy are you having RC deliver parts for you in Atlanta now? :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone should start a thread about how great Andy Baker is


On reading the thread, my first thought was, “Isn’t AM going to be in Atlanta? How possible would it be for them to bring orders with them?”

Now I know.

Awesome! Thanks so much for all of the kind offers! It’s good to know that we have options if we are somehow able to get everything else together. I’m still in the search for a machine shop in south California that could spin a 10" disk from a 10" square aluminum plate.

These forums are seriously the BEST! Such an awesome community!

-Sean, 3020

If you are replacing a bad CIM motor, replacements are available at the machine shop area for exchange (bring them with you). See Team Update #13 - Here’s a link:

They are not available as spare parts.:slight_smile:

He knows you can exchange, but doesn’t have an exchange. Also, CIMs are available at the Spare Parts station if one goes bad.

I have a CNC mill in my Robot Lair (Garage) that is idle at the moment and it likes to make circular parts out of square ones if you still need the help. I’ll need details to see if I have the material. I’ll be at the championship as a lead inspector.