Buying the AS5304-AB Linear Encoder

We need to purchase additional AS5304 linear encoders, but we don’t know where to get them from.

We checked the link that the “Where To Get More” PDF on the FIRST website gave us, but there were only AS5304-A and AS5304-B encoders in stock. We didn’t know if those were the same model or not, but didn’t buy any just to be sure.

Where would we go to buy this specific model?

I have checked the AS5304 User Manual provided by FIRST on their website. The manual indicates the board itself is just a circuit board without the other part. A looks like the board and B looks like the other part that will complete the AS5304.

So… we have to buy both?

Not a bump. just a new question:

So, I talked to a customer service agent about this problem, and she said the part that actually said “AS5304-AB” was the demo boardb :o .s I think this means we have to buy the encoder and the demoboard, then solder them together.

So, quesion, which of the two is the one included in the KOP?


I just started looking at this part…

The AS5304 is the actual chip, and we received the chip on an “Adapter Board”.

However, as anyone looked at the data sheet for this board.
Page 3 has a very disturbing table where the GND and 5V terminals are reversed… Which is correct? the board or the table? See attachment.
