Buzz's New Manipulation Technique?

[quote=“7 - The Game.pdf - <G08>”]POSSESSION - ROBOTS may only have 1 (one) GAME PIECE in their POSSESSION at
any time during the match.[/quote]

i like it! now see if you can program it for autonomous…

It’s adorable!

How high can it score?

Oh come on now! I would expect Buzz to be able to juggle more than three! :stuck_out_tongue:

Absolutely amazing! You’ll get a lot of brownie points from Mr. Needel if you guys are able to pull that one off!

hmm, could you juggle more than three while only touching one a time? It also appears as if they’ve invented antigravity. Will that little dude remain floating 12" off the ground after the match?

They obviously have tricked you, the real method is the antigravity :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice. Can’t wait to see that one in action.:smiley: