C++ GetPOV() not working?

After following all the instructions set out (all of them), I cannot for the life of me make GetPOV() work.
Here is my code. Please forgive the typo in the repository name.

We are using an XBox controller if that makes any difference. The driver station seems to recognize the XBox POV changing, but our code does not.

Help appreciated. :smiley:

I dug through the code very briefly and I see no usage of GetPOV in the code (though I didn’t look very hard… can you show what code / add some debug messages and post the output?

(also, theres a C++ subforum)

Well, this is embarrassing.

It appears our robot is suffering from an issue in hardware, making it appear as though GetPOV() wasn’t working. (one of our talons went on the fritz.)

I’ll update this thread if it still doesn’t work once we get the Talon back up and going.

Okay, got GetPOV() going.

Now the Left and right triggers are gone. >:

Murphy’s law :smiley:

Yeah, well, we got it fixed. :smiley: